Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

A few days ago we celebrated Winter Solstice, signifying the arrival of winter and longest of nights. Winter has somewhat of a dreadful connotation doesn’t it? It is often linked with a certain harshness- the harsh bane of winter unforgiving in its nature. When we think of winter, we think of the waning flora, the dwindling fauna. When it is cold we cowered, we shivered, we huddled. Such negativity is so ingrained within our perception that it is by no strange coincidence that we tend to describe someone as being “cold and lonely” versus “warm and friendly”.

Yet, without the apparent crudeness of this wintry season, the contrasting warmth that it inspires would not have been as strong. Let us ponder the sensation of holding a mug filled with hot chocolate, cuddling beneath a fuzzy blanket, basking in the glow of a fire blazing in the hearth, sitting still in a steaming bath, or basking in an equally hot shower. Would all of this be as enjoyable in the oppressing heat of summer, when we are all prone to being sweaty and all? I submit that it cannot, as I hope that you too can concur. My point, more importantly, is that without the coldness of winter to act as sharp contrast, acts of human kindness may not seem as warm.

So, as we dive deeper into this Yuletide season, I urge you to take a moment to truly enjoy the cold, for without it, you may perhaps not be able to appreciate the joys and warmth of humanity as much; the presence of loved ones, of sitting together, laughing and sharing of stories, of mysterious gifts, of eggnogs and kissing under the mistletoe. For it is in the face of the cold that we recognize the warmth that glows within each of us, it is the cold that allows us to see the glow upon each other’s faces (hopefully not from frost-bite) and inspires us to smile, reach out and bring some warmth however we can to those around us.

This holiday season, wherever you may be, may it be filled with much hearty laughter, fond memories, and lovely company. May your fingers and toes be constantly warm, and may your heart be set ablaze. Cherish each and every moment, and may the cold only serves to bring those whom you hold dear closer that you may enjoy each other’s warmth.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Study High

People have often spoke of the phenomenon known as the "runner's high" whereby a runner (typically those running in a marathon) catches a second wind that propels them forward.  I have not have the fortune of experiencing such a "high" seeing as my concave chest, convex gut and flat feet precludes me from ever mustering more than a resounding "blowing wind".    I do want to, however, report on a different kind of "high" that I have come across, and that is the "studying high".  This is when you have study so much up to a point, that you have become giddy and loopy, and that sensation keeps you studying for another hour or so.  To a casual observe, this often manifests as a shit-face grin  (by the way, why do they call this expression so?  I don't believe we ever grin when we are in the midst of defecating... it must be some excretion to have warranted that expression), a fit of uncontrollable giggle, an euphoric expression (elicited by something so trivial as to render it almost idiopathic in origin) upon the an otherwise gaunt, zombie-like individual who has been at the books for a while.  Do not mistake this with the common caffeine induced high as this is more liken to highs generated by endorphin and dopamine; the mirth stems from something deeper, a glow from within.  I sincerely do hope my fellow comrades in the trenches of academia, the throes of finals will get to experience this high.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Two Fatherlands

I first heard this song during morning assembly at my secondary school in St. Paul's College. I recall it giving me goosebumps, and to this day it never ceased to stir something within me. In the US, the church and state are separated, which is a fine sentiment, and I concede to its merits readily. Yet, there is something to be said for G-d and country. In the little hymnal that I have carried with me since my secondary school days, this hymn "I vow to thee my Country" goes under the heading "The two fatherlands". I have heard it played during Remembrance Day, I have watched veterans tear up reminiscing their call to arms. Into battles they have gone, entrusting their lives to a G-d yet readily sacrificing it for their country.

I Vow To Thee My Country

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning is a blessing

I used to hate studying, I know, you probably can't tell that about me since over the years I have morphed into this huge nerd. But, indeed, there was a time when I absolutely hated studying. I remember the tears, the frustration. I remember throwing tantrums, hurling books at the wall, and sometimes even myself bodily because I didn't get something. Studying was punishment.

It was during those times that my mother would say to me, "you look at all this as if it is a curse when in fact you have been given the greatest gift of all. There are so many people out there who won't be receiving an education. They do not have the resources to learn- mentally, physically, or financially... they will go through life veiled in the darkness of ignorance. They will go through life not knowing what they have missed, and desiring the wrong things and all things. You, on the other hand, have been given everything. You have been given the opportunity to learn at your leisure. You have been given the opportunity to pursuit happiness; happiness that comes from attaining the one thing in the world that you can truly own - knowledge. In your lifetime, you will desire many things, but as long as you thirst for knowledge, as long as you take joy in learning, then you will never be in want of anything else, you will be slave to no other. That is a freedom money can't buy, and there is no other freedom that can come close to it. Stop your crying, stop your wailing. If you cry when you studied, than the only thing you have studied are your tears. If you smile, then the doors of happiness will be open to you."

Therefore, my friends, be curious, be eager. Enjoy your studies, for there is no greater joy than those singular moments of enlightenment. Mental stimulation leads to an orgasmic life.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


人生在世如航海    做人定要有方針
時刻都會遇風浪    籍著信心萬里行
記住做人守本份    平安自然在你心
若能吃得苦中苦    幸福就會快來臨
閒時努力尋上進    學些技藝好傍身
出到社會來做事    禮義謙虛對人群
光明正大行正道    人人對你印象好
交朋結友應謹慎    言談外表要斯文
得人恩典千年記    得人好處莫忘恩
凡是嫖賭吹蕩飲    都是沉淪的禍根
明知前面山有虎    千萬莫向虎山行
業失足成千古恨    回頭巳是百年身
流芳百世人人敬    遺臭萬年個個憎
常常潔身來自愛    莫過任性染泥塵
留點光輝在世上    不可白白過一生
天生你來必有用    盡量發展你才能
寒窗不怕無人問    最怕做人有灰心
只要立心勤發奮    他日成功處處聞
一番真語來教訓    良言句句值千金
盼望我兒能領悟    早日平步到青雲




近黃昏, 晚將至
風已息, 落葉止
月高掛, 湖面定
冷冰冰, 夜清靜
秋菊枯, 鳥飛南
花香弱, 容顏失
相思苦, 情侶愁
人漸老, 侍君回

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life Lessons from Hearing Aid terminology

Life is filled with highs and lows. It is therefore important to meet it with a sound mind and body. Be ready to accept feedback, and to let things roll-off your back. Be sure to understand what is noise and what is not, tune out the constant cacophony, and be focused in the direction you must take. It is alright to tell others to read your lips, that no means no, and that yes doesn't always entail you to compress or extend yourself beyond your means. Be reasonable in your expectations, be willing to adapt over time. Know your own thresholds, and find where you are most comfortable. Recognition will come, this I assure you, you have just got to find the right channels. In the meanwhile, band together with people who are on the same wavelength, and resonates your passion.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Please donate towards my cause!!!


I am writing to inquire if you ca donate towards my cause.  I am participating in the Pennsylvania Walk4Hearing on September 25th, 2011 (Sunday).   I have enclosed my personal page below detailing the reason for my participation.  Any amount you can donate towards the cause will be greatly appreciated 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

The answer is blowing in the wind

I have noticed lately that I have been holding my breath a lot, and that is not good, because the next thing I know, I am struggling to keep my farts down. It gets worst, the vain attempts to control my sphincter muscles leaves me this weird expression on my face (almost constipated, but not quite), and serves to dissuade people from talking to me. So, the moral of the story: REMEMBER TO KEEP BREATHING!!!

By the way, my experiences in this matter helps me to understand why most girls act the way they do as I am told y'all don't fart, burp or anything... boy, that must be tough.  Although, I can also see how difficult it is for some of you to even build up the necessary air pressure seeing as you don't ever seem to close your mouth long enough to do so.  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fashion Sense

I don't understand fashion, or more importantly what is considered tasteful anymore. Shouldn't there be some sense of decency or common sense? I mean if your pockets are peeking out from your pants/ skirts, then it is too short to be worn. If you find yourself constantly adjusting your tub top, skirt, and trousers to cover something, then it is not fitting. I know there is a certain appeal to showing flesh, but the allure factor results from enticement and invocation of imagination. If one leaves no room for someone to fantasize then what is the point? Restraints, obstacles, inhibition is what heightens the senses and increase the worth of the reward. Its like unwrapping a present, untying the ribbon. Where is the surprise, the built up of excitement if the packaging does nothing to conceal the prize. We may as well be clothed in equivalent of newspaper/garbage bags/ brown paper bags.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How I miss the Vengeful G-d of Old

Did not my past actions prove my continual sincerity? Have I not proven my honor, and established my will to place the happiness of others before my own? What, therefore, gave you grounds, the audacity to slander me so, and accuse me of treachery that I know not in my heart? Indeed, you have insulted me with your insolence and tarnished my good name with your filth. May you beware the anger of the quiet man. May you know the extent of my patience, and rue the day you have taunt it.

Do not mistake tolerance for weakness. Nay, while I shall not sully my soul and suffer my hand to raise it against you, this I swear- I shall take no small delight when the day of Judgement comes, and the Divine rules in my favor and smote all who has done me and my kind wrong. For I am a patient and faithful man, and I shall wait for justice to visit those with compound interest the evil inflicted upon my person.  So, continue in your path, and accrue wickedness to justify the wrath incurred, and warrant the damnation soon to darken your doorsteps.  

Perhaps it is unholy for me to think is such fashion, and I may be sweet and gentle, but I am not a saint. I shall ask for His forgiveness and experience remorse. I beseech you to do likewise, for surely I will laugh at the end of days if you unrepentant ways lead you astray and into harm's way.    

(Relax people, this is just a fictional piece I thought up after reading selected texts from the Tanakh and Gita)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

random thoughts on sound (unfinished)

We live in an increasingly noisier world, and yet, strangely enough, we don't talk to each other as much. The cacophony of the modern age has replaced simple heart to heart discussions before a blazing hearth. We choose to listen to audiobooks, and less the stories of our elders and peers. We prefer e-mails and text messages over the spoken word; the literal over the spiritual.

If eyes are the windows to our souls, well then I contest that our ears are vestibules to a greater existence. We may see the signs, but listening evokes something deeper, a resonance that extends beyond mere physiclal properties. This is why we are told to listen to our hearts as opposed to seeing with our eyes. This is why music exists. Notes on a piece of music is meaningless without the sound that accompanies it. Prayers are uttered because as words they carry no power until spoken.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Be at peace with yourself

There will be moments in our lives- regardless of where we are, who we are, what we have attained- when we will feel utterly isolated. It is common, that pang of loneliness, that moment of weakness; it happens to the best and worst of us. When it hits, you will question all that you ever were. But I am here to tell you, it's going to be alright, because ultimately, we are connected to someone, somewhere. By mere thought, by weird urges, by virtue of existence. We all circle the periphery from time to time, thinking we are some Dicken protagonist standing in the cold looking at a Christmas party on the way... but that is the thing, someone always open a door... and if that someone isn't to be found, then chances are that someone is you... so be the better person to yourself first, and treat yourself nicely. Don't be harsh in those moments of vulnerability. Realize that we are all have our own internal demons, and be glad that you know it, fear it; because those demons are that which keeps us in line. We can not be great if we can not acknowledge the inherent darkness that lingers within. Be comfortable with yourself, be at peace. In the end, how you choose to react dictates all else.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

久石讓Joe Hisaishi 800人大合唱天空之城.mpg [HD]

Perhaps one of my all time favorite songs, by virtue of it being the theme song to Studio Ghibli's Laputa: Castle in the Sky, one of the first films I have seen as a child. Brings back a lot of memories.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Feeling like crap

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work, even those based on real people, are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

I don't think I know how an excrement feels like, but I supposed if you started off as a wholesome piece of food filled with nutritious goodness which is then masticated and slowly broken down into tiny digestible bolus, tenderized, emulsified, acidified. And you then have all that goodness drained, teared, sucked and singed out of you as you slowy get passed and squeezed along the arduous journey of the alimentary canal, and eventually pushed out like a lump of useless crap, nothing even remotely like your former self, and gets flushed away, forgotten to mankind, unappreciated... then I suppose I do know what crap feels like, and I can commiserate.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Of ideas, goals and childbirth

Sometimes working towards a goal is like giving birth. We start with a twinkle in our eyes, an idea gets impregnated. We nourish it for months, letting the dream grow bigger. We become hormonal in process, carving for random things besides the thing that is growing within us. We get sick at times, and we just want to be done. But, we forge ahead. Then we go into labor, and we push, and we push, and we push. Oh, people tell you about the wonders of childbirth, but they forget that it entails potential humiliating moments like defecating before an audience. But still you push, suddenly, your idea in fruitin, and a whole new journey goes from there, of greater hopes and dreams. It is worth the pain, it is worth the wait, it is worth the labor. And oh, making it can be so much fun, don't you agree...even orgasmic?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The joy of friends visiting from afar


"Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If one remains not annoyed when his greatness is not recognized in his time, isn't he a sage?"
~ Confucius, The Analects Chapter 1, verse 1.

I remember studying the Analects when I was in secondary school. To a teenager who was preoccupied with being "cool", archaic adage from a bygone era was the equivalent of being "uncool", and so aside from memorizing it for the sake of passing a test, I have all but forgotten this particular verse. It is therefore quite an enlightening experience when the relevance of this verse was made clear to me through the simple act of hosting friends over this pass weekend. It was as if I have discovered a long buried gem.

Being a student, I have dove into my studies and allowed my sense of self worth, my identity, uniquely linked to how well I do academically. So much so that I have forgotten who I was as a person. I have forgotten the Andy that had earned him the friendship of many amazing individuals. The Andy that was somebody to someone and not just a letter grade or a decimal point. The Andy who enjoyed hanging out, the Andy who liked to laugh and to make other people smile, the Andy who was attentive to little things in life and loves to share them with friends. That was the Andy who was special, that was the Andy who was happy. Oh, I miss that Andy. So it was such a pleasure to catch a glimpse of him, revived by the presence of friends who brings out the best in him, this pass weekend.

Yes, I suppose it is weird to speak of myself in third person, but that is what having friends over do to you. Friends, true friends, are the ones who accept you for who you are, they allow you to be yourself without pretense, without the need to impress, without guile. True friends allow you to relax, take a step back and be happy with yourself for being you, for being someone worthy of the love and joy of friendship, no strings attached. People always said to me it is important to be myself, well, myself is the Andy who loves his friends. The Andy who likes to be there for friends, to be with them. I am Andy who is ever mindful and grateful of his friends.

I am somebody because my friendship is valued, I am someone because I am worth knowing. My life is a celebration because I am fortunate to have earned the respect and love of great individuals. If in my pursuit of my own personal goals I have neglected you, my friends, I hpe you can forgive me. (If I in my pursuit seemingly have forgetton you, may you not in turn forget me...) Therefore, I pledge this, wherever I am, may there always be a place for my friends to come visit. So if ever you are in the neighborhood, or in a need of a place physically and or metaphysically, look me up.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some of my favorite songs in one sitting

Oscar Peterson - Plays the Jerome Kern Song Book (1959)
01 - I Won't Dance
02 - Bill
03 - The Song Is You
04 - A Fine Romance
05 - Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

May you cherish this day, each and every year. May you be proud of your who you are, and be thankful to the nation that has given you this much to boast. May you remember your duty to it, to your fellow countrymen, and your fellow men. Be always ready to defend and uphold the ideals pass forth from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. For what we have inherited is a rich heritage, and it behooves you to continue the legacy forward. God Bless America!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Demons and angels

There is perhaps few things sadder than a person who feels sorry for him/herself, for there is no judge more crueler than the demon that resides within. Therefore we owe it to each other to lend a helping hand, and an encouraging word once in a while. This I believe, that our angels become stronger when it can extend beyond ourselves. Remember, demons were once angels who have caved in to selfish hedonistic needs. And so it is a prayer said for oneself is not as powerful as a prayer on behalf of another, who in turn petition for you.  That is the power of prayer, not one voice pleading for one's cause alone, but a chain of prayers said for each other, a universal, collective conscience wishing altruistically the best for the whole. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The weekend's end approaches, and what a week of hustle and bustle it has been. In these quiet moments before I end my weekend and lay my head down to sleep, the calm that I have been searching for finally seem to set in. Perhaps a little bit late in the coming, perhaps a tad short in its duration, but this is the moment I savor the most. As I allow the tranquility of the night to ease my soul and let my thoughts flow free, I roam through the myriad of experiences that I have encounter this week. Some have brought me joy, while others have made me cold. Like a librarian, I browse through my ponderings, shelving away those that are worth returning, and discarding those that threaten to leave a dark mark in my cognition. Aye, there is much in a week time that one encounter; some serves to enlighten, some induces ignorant judgment.

As I look back, I realize that the moments when I am most content, was when I had the opportunity to talk with different peoples, to share in their thoughts, and learn of their perspectives. Never was I more alone than when I was left on my own, to face the darkness of my soul that easily entombs me. It has been said we must learn to live with who we are, to accept and love who I am?yet I have found myself un-prepared to turn inwards. It seems my identity is a black hole, a warp, a vacuum of sorts that vortex me into a spiraling void?unless I turn outwards and let my attention focus upon others, and to allow them to anoint me with their radiance, my light is wasted in the abyss of my thoughts. How cruel, how ironic these words I have written to depict my emotions and my thoughts?can I serve others when I cannot serve myself. Can I be truly devoted to the cause of others, or need I be more selfish so as to stay my course.

The lesson of the week is perhaps not to take things personal?and yet it is the very thing that makes me great, makes me who I am. I take things personal so as to ensure I devote myself?and yet it seems in this real world, one must learn to be removed from the midst of the human quotient in daily equations. Perhaps I must learn the ways of the elves, to speak the partial truth, and to allow no disclosure of my thoughts.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Things I have learned from not having a car

  1. Nothing gets you back on your feet faster than not having a car
  2. Everything is within walking distance if you have the time, a bottle of water, and a towel
  3. Never buy more than what you can carry at the grocery stores
  4. Addendum to rule #3: Don't wait until you have to buy more than what you can carry at the grocery stores
  5. Public transportation may take more time, but gives you more time to do stuff too durig the commue
  6. Public transportation teaches you to (a) manage time better, (b) socialize with with fellow passengers

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I lit a cigarette, hoping the smoke shall carry me to lands afar. I took a long draft of liquor thinking it will make my spirits high. Life of prodigal debauchery, sold my soul to the devil, Through hell and back I have travel. Mine eyes have seen the slums of humanity, behold the endless possibilities of human cruelty. There is no end to which darkness can consume us, there is no limit  to where lust may cause us to fall.Damned we be from our mother's womb, and yet it takes only a spark to redeem us all. A drop of holy water, a willing spirit, then free we shall become by the grace of the Lord. 

Friday, May 13, 2011


It is strange how sometimes you can be in a room full of friendly people and still feel very alone... 

I feel that is a situation in which I am quite familair with. As I look about me, I realize that there are a lot of great people around me. I have a lot of friends, acquaintances, people who are just awesome to be with... yet, somehow, I feel there is something missing. I feel that I have somehow constructed a mental barrier that is keeping me somewhat removed from them. I yearn constantly for human contact, for deep conversations and sharing of experiences... but at the very same time, I seem to keep my distance... it is so weird. On the surface I know a hell lot of great people... but how much do I really know them, and how much do they know of me. It seems I am standing here at a junction of dichotomies. A singular problem that has stumped me for years...

How can it be that I still feel alone and yet not? I feel like I am in search of a catalyst, someone who can act as the filter and enhancer of my experience with other people. Someone with whom I can share my experiences with, a healthy rapport between two souls, ultimately looking outwards  towards the same horizons, ready to explore, expand and express the boundaries of our experiences... 

In the end... can I be my own catalyst? Does this urge I feel for companionship a valid one when I myself cannot be content  with who  I am? No, better yet, do I know who I am at this point to present a likeable me? 

Monday, April 25, 2011


I believe often times (not all the time) we argue because the reality is we inherently see merit in our opponent’s perspective, and that we also see merit in our own concepts.  So, we talk it out, in hopes that we hear what we have to say and let our minds process it differently (for it is one thing to hold on to a notion in secret than to profess it out loud with conviction).   

Argument is a form of information exchanged, and it occurs daily. Arguments that don’t necessary entail raised voices or heated emotions.  In fact, however passionate we may be, we should avoid using emotion as a weapon.  There is a fine line between being sentient and being sentimental.  We argue every day, we persuade one another and within ourselves from one moment to the next based upon the information we are provided with.  Emotion, how we feel is definitely part of it, but also give credit to the rational process, for our ability to think things through is an equally important gift. 

So, the key is information.  An argument gets out of hand when both sides do not have the same access to information, and they have to resort to other means to get the point across, or not at all.  

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Some said don't go through life looking at the review mirrors, look instead through the windshield. Yet I ask you, as we drive, how often are we granted the moment to admire the scenery that is flashing by at the same speed we are surging ahead? So focused are we at the road, so used to being on the fast lane that when we slowed down even for a bit, the car behind us will honk, and the car on the side will over take us.

I say get out of the car, I say we walk, and let our feet take us where we need to be. It may not be far, but oh the sights we shall see, the people we will meet, and time goes by ever so much more slowly. Walk, and see the wonders that this life has to offer. Aye, it will be a road of hardship, aye it will be a path of obstacles. The destination may seem far, but we will get there eventually, step by step. We shall meet again at the predestined point.


There was a time when life was simpler, when the plan was just to stay alive from day to day. When hunters hunt only for food and not for sport. When there were wise men and women who knew the ways of the earth and use its magic to heal. When children were taught to fear and respect instead to sneer. Such was a time when gratitude was a real thing, when kindness was repaid. When men lived by codes like honor, principles, virtues and chivalry; and women were demure, prudent, elegant and wise. There was a time when we look at the skies and become awe with wonder, when we look about us and be content. There was a time when we knew our place, and were humbled to accept our lot in life; willing to work hard and accept the fruits of our labors.

Ah, how clean we have become, sweat no longer lingering on our brow. How soft are our hands which have never known the rawness of working beneath the mid day sun. Indeed we sit before our technology and moan, complaining of inefficiency and cursing the obsolete.
Perhaps I belong of an ages past, when we do our part and be willing to sit back and let things take its course. Perhaps I belong to a time when things were much slower, when we have the patience to nurture and watch things grow in its own good time. For here I am now, in this age, a slow wit man who understand not the need to rush. Here I am now, working slowly, at my own pace which is never good enough. By society's standard, I am obsolete, a stupid man, a slothful man. Perhaps I am, I know not, for who is to judge? Perhaps I do not learn at the same pace, perhaps I will not reach my heights at the same time as my peers. I may not amount to the same greatness as those who dwell in science and technology and  business, perhaps I am a big disappointment. And what if I am, is my life still worth living? Am I condemned to lead a life of failure, ever falling behind and beneath the shadows of others? Perhaps, but whatever my life is going to be like, I pray I will never lose that sense of wonder which science can no longer offer with all its answers. I pray that although I may not be smart and knowledgeable, I may be wise and humble. I pray that I will be at peace with myself, and in tune with the rhythm of the natural world. For God gave me lungs not to pant but to breathe in and breathe out at an easy flow. My blood pressure was not made to go so high, but enough to keep me alive. And so that is my goal, to live a normal, medicore man, casting shadows only to those needs the shade.

I shall not be judged nor shall I judge, focused I shall be to do my best, to make my  life fulfilling as much as possible, surviving and content. I have goals and plans, that I do, but I am willing for them to happen at its own course. I will do what I can to get me where I need to be, but not because I need to be there, but because somehow I will get there.
Lord, You alone know my needs and can provide for them. You alone know me better than me. Lord, I give myself onto You this day, trusting that You will shape me as You like. Long ago was I made in Your likeness, through the fall did I lose some of it, but take me up in Your hands once more and re-shaped to my original likeness of You.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This year's AudiologyNOW conference was held in Chicago, and I definitely enjoyed my visit to the Windy City, in fact, one may even say I was quite blown away by it (groans).  I think what I find most appealing about this city, besides the orderliness and the friendly folks I have met along the way, is the architecture.  From the ornate to the practical, the Chicago skyline is adorned by spiraling towers of wonder to graceful monoliths of sublime beauty.  There is also something nostalgic about Chicago.  Perhaps it is the link to the Prohibition Era, of speak-easy, and the likes of Elliot Ness and Al Capone. The glorious days of Chicago Bulls, a team that I grew up idolizing.  Or, it could be alleged home of a Royal Canadian Mountie who first went to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father, and for reasons which don't need exploring at this juncture, he has remained attached as a liaison to the Canadian Consulate (which I could not locate during this trip...).  Regardless, walking around town, beneath the bridges that supported the "L" (The Loop), I find myself imagining what it was like to witness the growth of this city, as the soundtrack from the movie The Sting played in the background.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

In the snow

Outside my window I hear the sound of a car struggling.
The engine groaning, the tires squealing;
In protest against progress without traction.
Back and forth, left and right, the gears attempt to negotiate.
Alas, with a triumph grunt, followed by a moment of silence,
Came the sound of crunched, decimated snow,
As the ground succumbs and made way for forward motion.