Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How I miss the Vengeful G-d of Old

Did not my past actions prove my continual sincerity? Have I not proven my honor, and established my will to place the happiness of others before my own? What, therefore, gave you grounds, the audacity to slander me so, and accuse me of treachery that I know not in my heart? Indeed, you have insulted me with your insolence and tarnished my good name with your filth. May you beware the anger of the quiet man. May you know the extent of my patience, and rue the day you have taunt it.

Do not mistake tolerance for weakness. Nay, while I shall not sully my soul and suffer my hand to raise it against you, this I swear- I shall take no small delight when the day of Judgement comes, and the Divine rules in my favor and smote all who has done me and my kind wrong. For I am a patient and faithful man, and I shall wait for justice to visit those with compound interest the evil inflicted upon my person.  So, continue in your path, and accrue wickedness to justify the wrath incurred, and warrant the damnation soon to darken your doorsteps.  

Perhaps it is unholy for me to think is such fashion, and I may be sweet and gentle, but I am not a saint. I shall ask for His forgiveness and experience remorse. I beseech you to do likewise, for surely I will laugh at the end of days if you unrepentant ways lead you astray and into harm's way.    

(Relax people, this is just a fictional piece I thought up after reading selected texts from the Tanakh and Gita)

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