Sunday, April 24, 2011


There was a time when life was simpler, when the plan was just to stay alive from day to day. When hunters hunt only for food and not for sport. When there were wise men and women who knew the ways of the earth and use its magic to heal. When children were taught to fear and respect instead to sneer. Such was a time when gratitude was a real thing, when kindness was repaid. When men lived by codes like honor, principles, virtues and chivalry; and women were demure, prudent, elegant and wise. There was a time when we look at the skies and become awe with wonder, when we look about us and be content. There was a time when we knew our place, and were humbled to accept our lot in life; willing to work hard and accept the fruits of our labors.

Ah, how clean we have become, sweat no longer lingering on our brow. How soft are our hands which have never known the rawness of working beneath the mid day sun. Indeed we sit before our technology and moan, complaining of inefficiency and cursing the obsolete.
Perhaps I belong of an ages past, when we do our part and be willing to sit back and let things take its course. Perhaps I belong to a time when things were much slower, when we have the patience to nurture and watch things grow in its own good time. For here I am now, in this age, a slow wit man who understand not the need to rush. Here I am now, working slowly, at my own pace which is never good enough. By society's standard, I am obsolete, a stupid man, a slothful man. Perhaps I am, I know not, for who is to judge? Perhaps I do not learn at the same pace, perhaps I will not reach my heights at the same time as my peers. I may not amount to the same greatness as those who dwell in science and technology and  business, perhaps I am a big disappointment. And what if I am, is my life still worth living? Am I condemned to lead a life of failure, ever falling behind and beneath the shadows of others? Perhaps, but whatever my life is going to be like, I pray I will never lose that sense of wonder which science can no longer offer with all its answers. I pray that although I may not be smart and knowledgeable, I may be wise and humble. I pray that I will be at peace with myself, and in tune with the rhythm of the natural world. For God gave me lungs not to pant but to breathe in and breathe out at an easy flow. My blood pressure was not made to go so high, but enough to keep me alive. And so that is my goal, to live a normal, medicore man, casting shadows only to those needs the shade.

I shall not be judged nor shall I judge, focused I shall be to do my best, to make my  life fulfilling as much as possible, surviving and content. I have goals and plans, that I do, but I am willing for them to happen at its own course. I will do what I can to get me where I need to be, but not because I need to be there, but because somehow I will get there.
Lord, You alone know my needs and can provide for them. You alone know me better than me. Lord, I give myself onto You this day, trusting that You will shape me as You like. Long ago was I made in Your likeness, through the fall did I lose some of it, but take me up in Your hands once more and re-shaped to my original likeness of You.

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