Friday, December 9, 2011

Study High

People have often spoke of the phenomenon known as the "runner's high" whereby a runner (typically those running in a marathon) catches a second wind that propels them forward.  I have not have the fortune of experiencing such a "high" seeing as my concave chest, convex gut and flat feet precludes me from ever mustering more than a resounding "blowing wind".    I do want to, however, report on a different kind of "high" that I have come across, and that is the "studying high".  This is when you have study so much up to a point, that you have become giddy and loopy, and that sensation keeps you studying for another hour or so.  To a casual observe, this often manifests as a shit-face grin  (by the way, why do they call this expression so?  I don't believe we ever grin when we are in the midst of defecating... it must be some excretion to have warranted that expression), a fit of uncontrollable giggle, an euphoric expression (elicited by something so trivial as to render it almost idiopathic in origin) upon the an otherwise gaunt, zombie-like individual who has been at the books for a while.  Do not mistake this with the common caffeine induced high as this is more liken to highs generated by endorphin and dopamine; the mirth stems from something deeper, a glow from within.  I sincerely do hope my fellow comrades in the trenches of academia, the throes of finals will get to experience this high.

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