Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning is a blessing

I used to hate studying, I know, you probably can't tell that about me since over the years I have morphed into this huge nerd. But, indeed, there was a time when I absolutely hated studying. I remember the tears, the frustration. I remember throwing tantrums, hurling books at the wall, and sometimes even myself bodily because I didn't get something. Studying was punishment.

It was during those times that my mother would say to me, "you look at all this as if it is a curse when in fact you have been given the greatest gift of all. There are so many people out there who won't be receiving an education. They do not have the resources to learn- mentally, physically, or financially... they will go through life veiled in the darkness of ignorance. They will go through life not knowing what they have missed, and desiring the wrong things and all things. You, on the other hand, have been given everything. You have been given the opportunity to learn at your leisure. You have been given the opportunity to pursuit happiness; happiness that comes from attaining the one thing in the world that you can truly own - knowledge. In your lifetime, you will desire many things, but as long as you thirst for knowledge, as long as you take joy in learning, then you will never be in want of anything else, you will be slave to no other. That is a freedom money can't buy, and there is no other freedom that can come close to it. Stop your crying, stop your wailing. If you cry when you studied, than the only thing you have studied are your tears. If you smile, then the doors of happiness will be open to you."

Therefore, my friends, be curious, be eager. Enjoy your studies, for there is no greater joy than those singular moments of enlightenment. Mental stimulation leads to an orgasmic life.

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