Friday, August 12, 2011

Be at peace with yourself

There will be moments in our lives- regardless of where we are, who we are, what we have attained- when we will feel utterly isolated. It is common, that pang of loneliness, that moment of weakness; it happens to the best and worst of us. When it hits, you will question all that you ever were. But I am here to tell you, it's going to be alright, because ultimately, we are connected to someone, somewhere. By mere thought, by weird urges, by virtue of existence. We all circle the periphery from time to time, thinking we are some Dicken protagonist standing in the cold looking at a Christmas party on the way... but that is the thing, someone always open a door... and if that someone isn't to be found, then chances are that someone is you... so be the better person to yourself first, and treat yourself nicely. Don't be harsh in those moments of vulnerability. Realize that we are all have our own internal demons, and be glad that you know it, fear it; because those demons are that which keeps us in line. We can not be great if we can not acknowledge the inherent darkness that lingers within. Be comfortable with yourself, be at peace. In the end, how you choose to react dictates all else.

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