Saturday, March 7, 2009

A prayer

From a far I hear you calling, in the recess of my mind I felt your gentle prodding.
In some remote corners of my heart there lingers a sense of yearning, a tinge of longing. Oh, my dream, my hope, be far not far from me as I have strayed from you. Do not forget me, even though I have been preoccupied with things less significant. Oh, I know of your presence, bubbling beneath the turbulent waters that is my life. I breathe each breath only because I know I am destined to achieve you, but how or when I know not. Only time can reveal. I only wish I can have the courage to pursue you, the wisdom to discern how and the will to endure the chase. Yea, would I love to feel once more the adrenaline course in me as I rediscover my purpose. I pray that I can pick up your scent and follow it with alacrity. Be not vague, be not far from me this day forth. Oh, have clemency upon this wayfarer's weary soul, and lead him home to you. Let him wander not in the wilderness too long, let not thorns prick his side and the thistles tear upon his flesh. Retrieve me, receive me from this wasteland that I have blundered into. Wait for me and wait upon me that I may attain the greatness that you have set for me. Forgive me of my mortal weaknesses, my feeble attempts, and my seemingly ephemeral memory of you. Remind me of you, ensconce me once more in your awesome radiance. 

Misere Mei. In spiritu humilitatis, et in animo contrito suscipiamur a te, Domine: et sic fiat sacrificum nostrum in conspectu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi, Domine Deus.

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