Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On Faith, Take 1

I find it almost remarkable how a singular "tragic" incident can seem to marred the plethora of good ones. It becomes a harbinger of progressively worst events. Or is it the other way around, that our lives are ultimately tragic, that those little glitter of goodness are made more endearing and radiant simply because they are rare and contrasted to the sheer destitute about it. I don't know, it is just so arbitrary. Ultimately, I like to believe that each event has equal and inherent potential of goodness and evilness in it. Or, maybe they have neither but mere reflection of our whims at the moment of encounter.

Regardless, we oscillate in the medium of life. Sometimes it is sinusoidal, and all is well in the world. Simple harmonic motion unhindered by any form of friction. Other times, it becomes irratic, forced even. The phenomenon in of itself is meaningless however, until someone steps in to decide. Someone who is removed enough to observe with clarity each instance in time; and yet close enough to be an agent of change.

To the particle that vibrates within the stream, there is nothing it can do but be subject to the flow of things. Yet, to the supreme observer there is a precise science to predicting where the particle will be from one time frame to another. There is a sacred knowledge of where the nodes and anti-nodes are located, and an acceptance that these are just mere facts of life, cosmic vibration which are in of themselves random but governed by laws of physics.

To deem ourselves such a being is laughable. No longer is it a matter of being conscious, but a matter of ego. Perhaps therein lies our problem as sentinent beings, our internal struggles to be Human and Children of G-d. We are made in His likeness, but likeness is where it stops. We may master our humanity, but never should we see ourselves as judge of nature, supreme decider of good and evil.

Faith is such a vehicle. It is the coefficient that remains changeless in times of turbulence and disturbance. It is that which anchors us, even as we scale the height of a peak, or drop to the depths of a valley. It is the one constant that we must hold on, because we as particle moves in place, it is the wave of life that changes.

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