Friday, August 3, 2007

When Things Go Bad

I have learned that often times things won't go the way you want them to. As hard you pray about it, as much as you may hope for it, there will be days when all the lights will be red and the house of cards will crumple down. It is just the way the world works, moments of highs followed by moments of low and vice versa. Up and down, up and down, and round around. I guess the important thing is when those moments arrive, you just have to take a step back and appreciate the times when things did go well, or were at least normal. 

In the end, we just got to have faith and strive for the best we can. We cannot let ourselves be brought down. We will always feel the pull of gravity as long as we walk upon this earth, but that has never stopped us from reaching with outstretch arms to the stars above. Longingly we gazed upon the moon so much so that we actually end up conquering the heights and landed upon its face.

It is in our nature to let the negatives rule the day, we give too much credit to the things that go wrong. Probably because relatively few brag about success as much as those who bitch about failure. Probably because we want to pay more attention to the negatives so that we may alter our courses to avoid it. Probably because we like to see others suffer so as to feel good about ourselves. Or it is even possible that we want to out suffer someone simply because it seems to give us more character... Whatever the reason, as a species we tend to view the negatives as being more important. We overlook when things were actually positive. We take it for granted when things go our way, we think we deserve it; but that is really not the case.

Sometimes you have to earn the good things. Other times, you have got to just understand that even when you do your darnedest, chances are there are powers beyond you that dictates today may just be the day when you will be screwed. Its nothing personal. Instead, it is a chance to put things in perspective. It may even be an opportunity for growth. 

I am not saying there is a pony in the horse manure that is flung at you, but it is nice to hope that there may be one. If nothing else, you can at least be glad that there is a horse somewhere that defecated the feces you are in, and chances are someone is very lucky to have that horse as a companion. And you can be grateful that while you may personally loathe the smell, color and feel of the crap you are in, it makes a great fertilizer to grow something you may actually eat eventually. 

All I am saying is, shit happens, even to the best of us. When they do, don't let to bring you down. Don't wallow in your sorrow, instead reach up, because who knows, you may just be the seed that needs the nourishment before you can grow and bear fruit. 

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