Friday, August 17, 2007

My Gift

Everyone needs someone to appreciate them, to love them, and to share in their sorrows and their joy. We all need a witness to bear testimonies to our lives. We need muses to inspire us, and mentors to motivates us. Each of us is a performer on the stage of life, and we each need our audience to which we play to. An artist captures beauty to share with others, a musician charms his listener with wonderful sounds, and a poet provokes us to ponder the world around us. Yet, it is not just their talents that makes them great, it is the appreciation they received that sparks them on to greater things.

My role in this transitory world may not be to astound others, nor to impress; but instead to enhance and amplify the talents of others through my appreciation for them. I am not gifted in any exemplary manner, but I can do my darnedest to glorify the talents of others. That, in itself, may perhaps be the biggest gift I can offer to the world about me.

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