Sunday, May 24, 2020

"No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon." ~ Matthew 6:24

We are living the consequences of elevating inanimated objects above human lives. When corporations, the economy, and buildings are given priority, then humanity is reduced to a series of numbers and acronyms (e.g. FTEs).

From there, it is not a far leap to entertain the notion that there is such a thing as maximum allowable human lives lost as the cost of doing business. That is where we are now. We went from believing that all lives are precious, and all souls must be protected at all cost, to we can't save them all, some must die that others may live - that is an acceptable sacrifice.

Worshipping the inanimated has removed us from the stewardship of the living. When one argues one has the right to congregate in a building, one has the right to support the economy, the unsaid thought is those rights supersedes all humanity.

But for what and whom do we live? How do we justify that? How do we comfort the bereaved who shall never hear, see, smell, or touch a loved one? How do we convince those on the front lines that they are heroes whilst we do little to truly honour and support their sacrifices? Do we give lip-service saying "thank you for being a martyr, now let us get on with our lives, to pursue happiness unfettered?" That just does not compute.

At the core of any society and religion should be the basic premise that we serve one another. Yet, what we are witnessing on a massive scale is the failure to adhere to that very tenet. What we are witnessing is the relegation of souls and lives to ones and zeroes. That is a frightening thought. One cannot serve two masters. Choose wisely for our very souls are at stake.

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