Friday, August 17, 2012

My sitcom

There have been times in my life when I wondered to myself, "Gee, wouldn't it be nice if my life was some sort of situation comedy, and I have amazing writers feeding me incredible lines, and I leave my audience happier and inspired." And in a way, I kind of have that, because most of the things I have said, the thoughts I have had, they are the result of the people in my life. My team of writer
s, my editors, producers (if I may be so crass) are in fact my many friends and family, teachers and mentors. Whether I realize it or not, recognize it or not, you have all influenced me and made my life more entertaining than most sit coms. I laugh, I cry, I love, I dance, I sing, I remain curious and imaginative all because there are individuals out there who continue to explore with me, expand the horizons for me, and allow me the room to express. So, thank you.

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