Saturday, August 18, 2012

Common goal

Please help me understand this: How can you condemn someone for being a member of the elite, claiming them to be out of touch with the common folk while throwing enthusiastically your support behind a party that is doing it's darnedest to retain the wealth to a selected few on the highest strata of socioeconomic ladder? By and by, when is looking out for your fellow human and striving for your own success mutually exclusive? You condemn socialized programs because it spread resources to "undeserving" people, "robbing the rich and giving it to the poor", but have you ever consider how much resources is already wasted because the poor continues being worst off, the middle class continue to bear the blunt of being stuck in the middle.

There is no perfect system, one party is not necessary better than the other, but I think we can at least all sit down and agree on the fundamentals.  We need to stop demonizing one another.  I think it is great that everyone has passion about what they believe, but that passion doesn't necessary precludes us from sharing ideas in a cordial manner.  We need conversations, we need to act at each other's sounding board.  It is ok to disagree, but disagree with the facts, not the person.  There are principles, and then there are ways to actualize them.  

Also, regardless of what station you are in life, there has to be some sort of equalizer. If you are in a good place, that equalizer serves to remind us that we can fall anytime, and that we can equally come back from it because we were there once.  For those who are downtrodden, that equalizer gives hope that they too have the opportunity to be better.  Ultimately,  I think it is better to implement a reset button we can control than to allow things to get completely out of hand and implodes. We must move away zero sum game and return to win-win scenarios.

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