Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thoughts to live by

- Life is like dancing the Hokie Pokie. You put your foot in, you put your foot out; back and forth between the minute details and the big picture... that's really all its about.

-Warning: objects in review mirror become smaller as you drive further away. In life, things tend to become larger as you approach them, that's just physics and optical illusions. There is no point in making them bigger than what they really are, because in the end, they shrink as you past them by. That being said, good luck to all who have something big coming up.

- we are like pebbles on a beach. We become well rounded through constant bombardment of our trials and tribulations

- Sometimes, I look at life as a ballet instructors who likes to keep us all on our toes.

- Without tears, there won't be rainbows between people

-Without limitations, one may never realized how far one may go, and how far one have already come.

- Each moment lived is a near death experience

- Understand that life can be much worst, and move on. No sense in dawdling to wallow in your sorrows.

- Feeling lost is a blessing as it means you have options. You have the freedom to choose however you damn well please.

- The certainty in life is that nothing is set in stone, i.e. there will always be an element of uncertainty. Therefore, don't become someone who is too rigid or set in their ways. Sooner or later, even the hardest rock contours itself to the shifting tides.

- Learn the grammar if you must, but don't become a grammarian. Be a poet instead. There is no point in knowing the theory if you can't use it to be creative.

- A stickler is nothing more than a person with a stick up their butt. And often times, it is a stick that may be used upon them if they take it out too often to intimidate.

- In seeking for a potential mate, have an idea of what is your type; but don't expect yourself to be the "type" that "your type" is into.

- The only dangerous people I know are the ones who are absolutely certain of something.

- Be mindful of starting sentences with "I feel", it usually leads to a narcissistic monologue void of depth, meaning, and reason.

- While it is respectable and professional to be serious... sometimes to get the point through one must employ outrageous means.

- Profanity should be used sparingly so as to be profound.

- People don't desist because you insist. Don't become a cyst.

- In sex, condom prevents life. In life, no condom prevents sex.

- Popping bubbles should be equally important as making them.

- Go fly a kite. Life's too short not to enjoy simple pleasures such as a good breeze. Go take a hike and enjoy the scenery

- I don' think humans are meant to be efficient. If we were, we would be a robot, and life would be no fun.

- A good indicator of life is pain. A a sign of something worthwhile is struggle.

- Be good at dickering, otherwise you will end up bickering

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