Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birthday Speech (Sept 2004)

I hope I don't have to make this speech intoxicated, in fact I would be ashamed if I have to give this speech under influence, but bear with me anyway.

Tonight is not about me, it is not about how old I am getting, and how drunk I am going to get. Tonight is all about you guys, the people who makes my life worth living, the people who inspired me to wake up each morning, who puts a smile on my face even on the dullest of days. Tonight, I celebrate my 21st year of existence on this earth, and somehow, I know this could not have been possible without the existence of my friends, my family, and all those out there somewhere hating or loving my guts. I don't think I get to say this often, nor do I have the guts to profess it out loud in fear that I may embarass someone, but the truth is - I LOVE YOU ALL. I know this sounds extremely cheesy/corny/sappy, especially coming from a guy, and I curse the society which professing love from a guy such a stigma.

To be honest, no words of mind can do me the justice of expressing really how much I am a better person because of you all. Words cannot describe how a simple smile, a short instant message, a welcoming hug from you makes a difference in my day. Many of you knows me as somewhat religious, although often enough I am sacrilege enough to make a nun blush (there I go again), but truly do I see God's grace, His image reflected within each and every one of you. I find no other way to explain how a bunch of people as great as you guys can choose to love a simple guy like me, I cannot explain how each time I seem to be faring poorly, at least one of you would pop up and lift my spirits up. How, whenever I seem to be withdrawing into myself, a simple nod, a shrug of the shoulders, a raise eyebrow or any expression from you can tease me out.

Over the years, I don't think I have done enough to deserve such great friendships, such heart warming love, but here you all are, your very existence imprinted deep in my heart always. So I want to propse a toast, a toast to friendship through sickness and health, a toast to all of you special people. The fact that I know you all, and the fact that you choose to remember me makes me feel special about myself. Thank you, and God Bless.

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