Sunday, August 22, 2010

We are not meant to understand

If there is something really wrong about the age we live in, is the lack of mystery in our lives. There seems to be a lack of wonder as we move into this digital age of informatics where almost all things are accounted for; if not, they are somehow forced into a frame work of theories for us to understand. No longer are sunsets a piece of artwork done by a greater being, but a series of wavelenghts penetrating the atmosphere at different angles, resulting in a quantative spectrum of energy beinf released. Dreams are mere results of the brain trying to define the irregular patterns of electrical brain activity.

In this day and age, we value knowledge and despise ignorance. We have focused on finding out the answers, our existence is no longer an abstract, but a concrete mission to definte the unknown. We have come to demand that all things are somewhat lay out in an empirical way. Schools are constantly encouraging kids to do certain things so that they could go to certain places. No longer is the focus on the joy of learning, but the need to learn. The process of learning is sacrificed for the need to attain information in the shortest time. Somewhere along the way, with technology being as efficient as it is, humans are forced to become even more efficient. Yet, does efficiency really mean being quick? Are we really meant to drive on the fast lane?

I don't think so. I believe that our lives are meant to be lived such that there is a constant source of mystery about what happens next. I believe we are meant to slow down and ponder more about the things that really matters, and never ceased to be astounded by everyday events. Joy comes from the unexpected, joy is a state when ones desire are momentarily met often in an undserving way. If we reap what we sow, there is happiness because we are rewarded. But if we suddenly won the lottery, that is joy because the money is not something we rightly deserved, yet it is there and our needs and wants are momentarily satisfied. So mystery is essential in our lives, because without it, we can not experience true joy.

It is like wooing a girl, what makes a girl attractive is not just her looks, but her mysterious aura. It is not what is exposed that makes her attractive, it is what is hidden that draws your attention and imagination. A fine romance involves understanding and sensitivity between the partners, but it also entail and element of surprise, an element of novelty which both can share continuously. If all is known, where is the joy? Kissing was not meant to be done while eyes are open, sex was not meant to be performed in broad daylight for the same reason. It is the mystery, it is about feeling the excitement that can only come with uncertainty of what will happen next.

Christianity is similiar to that sense. We were not meant to understand all things, in fact that is why Jesus spoke in parables, the Revelations was written in code. The joy of believing is not about knowing, but about being satisfied in the mystery. God is mysterious, He has His reason which we will never be able to comprehend because were never meant to. Maybe our live is a joke, who knows, but like all good jokes, where is the fun if we already know the punch line. I say humor ourselves, humor our lives, Slow down, and be mesmerize, take a deep breath and await the surprise, the punchlline, and ready to laugh at it. Don't try to jab the comedian into giving us the punchline, the key of their trade is timing. The best jokes, the most memorable lines are those which are unprepared, unexpcted but delivered at the precise moment.

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