Friday, August 27, 2010

When bad things happens

I have learned that often times things won't go the way you want them to. As hard you pray about it, as much as you may hope for it, there will be days when all the lights will be red and the house of cards will crumple down. It is just the way the world works, moments of highs followed by moments of low. Up and down, up and down, and round around. I guess the important thing is when those moments arrive, you just have to take a step back and appreciate the times when things did go well, or were at least normal.

In the end, we just got to have faith and strive for the best we can. We cannot let ourselves be brought down. We will always feel the pull of gravity as long as we walk upon this earth, but that has never stopped us from reaching with out stretch arms to the stars above. Longingly we gazed upon the moon so much so that we actually end up conquering the heights and landed upon its face.

It is in our nature to let the negatives rule the day, we give too much credit to the things that go wrong. Probably because relatively few brag about success as much as those who bitch about failure. Probably because we want to pay more attention to the negatives so that we may alter our courses to avoid it. Probably because we like to see others suffer so as to feel good about ourselves. Or it is even possible that we want to out suffer someone simply because it seems to give us more character... Whatever the reason, as a species we tend to view the negatives as being more important. We overlook when things were actually positive. We take it for granted when things go our way, we think we deserve it; but that is really not the case.

Sometimes you have to earn the good things. Other times, you have got to just understand that even when you do your darnedest, chances are there are powers beyond you that dictates today may just be the day when you will be screwed. Its nothing personal. Instead, it is a chance to put things in perspective. It may even be an opportunity for growth.

I am not saying there is a pony in the horse manure that is flung at you, but it is nice to hope that there may be one. If nothing else, you can at least be glad that there is a horse somewhere that defecated the feces you are in, and chances are someone is very lucky to have that horse as a companion. And you can be grateful that while you may personally loathe the smell, color and feel of the crap you are in, it makes a great fertilizer to grow something you may actually eating eventually.

All I am saying is, shit happens, even to the best of us. When they do, don't let to bring you down. Don't wallow in your sorrow, instead reach up, because who knows, you may just be the seed that needs the nourishment before you can grow and bear fruit.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birthday Speech (Sept 2004)

I hope I don't have to make this speech intoxicated, in fact I would be ashamed if I have to give this speech under influence, but bear with me anyway.

Tonight is not about me, it is not about how old I am getting, and how drunk I am going to get. Tonight is all about you guys, the people who makes my life worth living, the people who inspired me to wake up each morning, who puts a smile on my face even on the dullest of days. Tonight, I celebrate my 21st year of existence on this earth, and somehow, I know this could not have been possible without the existence of my friends, my family, and all those out there somewhere hating or loving my guts. I don't think I get to say this often, nor do I have the guts to profess it out loud in fear that I may embarass someone, but the truth is - I LOVE YOU ALL. I know this sounds extremely cheesy/corny/sappy, especially coming from a guy, and I curse the society which professing love from a guy such a stigma.

To be honest, no words of mind can do me the justice of expressing really how much I am a better person because of you all. Words cannot describe how a simple smile, a short instant message, a welcoming hug from you makes a difference in my day. Many of you knows me as somewhat religious, although often enough I am sacrilege enough to make a nun blush (there I go again), but truly do I see God's grace, His image reflected within each and every one of you. I find no other way to explain how a bunch of people as great as you guys can choose to love a simple guy like me, I cannot explain how each time I seem to be faring poorly, at least one of you would pop up and lift my spirits up. How, whenever I seem to be withdrawing into myself, a simple nod, a shrug of the shoulders, a raise eyebrow or any expression from you can tease me out.

Over the years, I don't think I have done enough to deserve such great friendships, such heart warming love, but here you all are, your very existence imprinted deep in my heart always. So I want to propse a toast, a toast to friendship through sickness and health, a toast to all of you special people. The fact that I know you all, and the fact that you choose to remember me makes me feel special about myself. Thank you, and God Bless.

We are not meant to understand

If there is something really wrong about the age we live in, is the lack of mystery in our lives. There seems to be a lack of wonder as we move into this digital age of informatics where almost all things are accounted for; if not, they are somehow forced into a frame work of theories for us to understand. No longer are sunsets a piece of artwork done by a greater being, but a series of wavelenghts penetrating the atmosphere at different angles, resulting in a quantative spectrum of energy beinf released. Dreams are mere results of the brain trying to define the irregular patterns of electrical brain activity.

In this day and age, we value knowledge and despise ignorance. We have focused on finding out the answers, our existence is no longer an abstract, but a concrete mission to definte the unknown. We have come to demand that all things are somewhat lay out in an empirical way. Schools are constantly encouraging kids to do certain things so that they could go to certain places. No longer is the focus on the joy of learning, but the need to learn. The process of learning is sacrificed for the need to attain information in the shortest time. Somewhere along the way, with technology being as efficient as it is, humans are forced to become even more efficient. Yet, does efficiency really mean being quick? Are we really meant to drive on the fast lane?

I don't think so. I believe that our lives are meant to be lived such that there is a constant source of mystery about what happens next. I believe we are meant to slow down and ponder more about the things that really matters, and never ceased to be astounded by everyday events. Joy comes from the unexpected, joy is a state when ones desire are momentarily met often in an undserving way. If we reap what we sow, there is happiness because we are rewarded. But if we suddenly won the lottery, that is joy because the money is not something we rightly deserved, yet it is there and our needs and wants are momentarily satisfied. So mystery is essential in our lives, because without it, we can not experience true joy.

It is like wooing a girl, what makes a girl attractive is not just her looks, but her mysterious aura. It is not what is exposed that makes her attractive, it is what is hidden that draws your attention and imagination. A fine romance involves understanding and sensitivity between the partners, but it also entail and element of surprise, an element of novelty which both can share continuously. If all is known, where is the joy? Kissing was not meant to be done while eyes are open, sex was not meant to be performed in broad daylight for the same reason. It is the mystery, it is about feeling the excitement that can only come with uncertainty of what will happen next.

Christianity is similiar to that sense. We were not meant to understand all things, in fact that is why Jesus spoke in parables, the Revelations was written in code. The joy of believing is not about knowing, but about being satisfied in the mystery. God is mysterious, He has His reason which we will never be able to comprehend because were never meant to. Maybe our live is a joke, who knows, but like all good jokes, where is the fun if we already know the punch line. I say humor ourselves, humor our lives, Slow down, and be mesmerize, take a deep breath and await the surprise, the punchlline, and ready to laugh at it. Don't try to jab the comedian into giving us the punchline, the key of their trade is timing. The best jokes, the most memorable lines are those which are unprepared, unexpcted but delivered at the precise moment.

On falling in love

Somewhere along the way, I think I have fallen in love with you, I don't know if it was the smell of your hair, or the way you smile, maybe even when you gave me a hug and everything seems to be just right. I don't know, but I do know you walk in my dreams frequently, and I don't want to wake up from them unless it is for seeing the real you. You have no idea the effect you have upon me. There are a lot of beautiful women out, possibly more beautiful, but in my eyes you are the most beautiful, and perhaps it would be great if I can say that to you each day for the rest of my life. It would even be greater if you accept it because you are. So what do you say, don't take my heart away, lets share our hearts for the remainder of eternity

Random poems over the years

Ode to my job
So begins a new day in this lovely office of mine where the sun don't ever shine, and flowers do die. Where egos soar, and morale dive into new depths each day. Oh what joy it is to witness the Olympian event of colleagues dodging responsibilities, jumping to conclusions, shooting their mouths off, and throwing crap around. it is indeed quite a sight to behold. And the cacophony of keyboards, pointless gossips, stifled giggles - what a symphony. The sun may rise and fall, the moon shall wane, and still this office shall remain an edifice of endless bane.  
What jubilation is this, what trials and tribulations? Alas, but for a few dollars more I remain, a humble servant, squandering time and youth.

On Parting
I shall stand in the storm that you may not know the difference between my tears and the rain.
May thunders roar to drown out my cry of agony, winds to match my woeful wail.
May lightening flashes blind our eyes that we may not see our silhouettes fading in opposing horizons.
Oh, let me be soaked to the bones, willing, wanting, wishing the cold wetness to numb my heart.

And when the winds do stop, when the clouds do fade,
May the sun find you and I in a better place.
May God then in his mercy spread His brush, 
Paint us a rainbow, bridging the great divide that parts us.

On Fog
A gray blanket upon God's green earth,
The dense fog veils me in its translucent embrace
Mother Nature's silky negligee, delicate and refined, clinging, lingering and alluring.
It urges me onward, daring me to explore, to extend myself beyond what can be seen.
Behold, a tranquil stillness punctuated only by the occasional rays and protruding shadows,
Heaven and earth merge in the midst of a mystic haze
I cannot see my journey's end, but heart's content at ease in this mist.


Of Death which is certain, I shall waste no thought upon it.
Of the afterlife, which shall remain unknown to me until Mors himself beckons, I shall not dread it.
Only this will I fear with great intensity - a life so lived that it warrants a mediocre obituary.

I want no fancy epitaph, nor an elegant coffin.
I pray my funeral be simple, filled with bittersweetness.
But pray dear God, let me lived such that I garnered some great eulogies.

I want no more than a special place in my loved ones' fond memories.
I ask just to be remembered, by my name, by the multitudes I have touched.
I shall so die peacefully because then I know I have lived, and will live on.

The "poet", sitting in his dim-witted world, wrote.
He wrote of things insubstantial, using words of less than childish splendor.
All the while wishing, that these lines he wrote would spread his name,
until fame like wild flame brings him grandeur.

Ah, but those who read of his prose, shakes their heads,
Be it in mocking laughter, be it in dismal disapproval,
this they know, that he was by no means a poet.
Yet, still he wrote, and wrote, and wrote...

When you stop and listen, you will hear the voice of God through the whispering of the leaves, the songs of the birds, trickling sound of water falling and most of all through the comforting words of loved ones.

When you pause and look, you will witness the miracles of everyday life; from the rising sun, to the happy faces of those sitting across you on the subway, each is a living testomony that this day has indeed been blessing in itself.

And lastly, remember this, although God may be intangible in many ways (totaliter aliter), He is always there, ready to embrace you in the arms of your friends.. Therefore, do not be sad... Cry if you must, for once in a while tears are like the refreshing rain for the soul; but always remember to smile, because that is the rainbow which inspires all.

Inspiration came at night
"Oy! You awake?
Inspiration is coming, better get up and write down something.
Oh, but I am so tired and sleepy,
plus I have no pen and pad?
Perhaps it is best to let me sleep upon it,
I shall remember it in the morning.
Slept I, morning comes, inspiration flown."

I am handy
This earth that I walk, this air that I breathe, what does it all mean? The sky is vast, the stars are many, and yet here I feel so lonely. Memories upon memories, life is full of stories. Do I move forward, or should I walk backwards ever towards the future? The crowd past me by, like migrating birds southward flies. Who is moving, who is stationary? No one knows, life is full of alternates, dichotomies that seem to never end. Oh, but they do, and it shall be at that point that you shall find me. I shall be your balance, I shall be your reference. When you seek to soar up high, I shall be your anchor. When you wish to dive into the deep blue sea, I shall be your navigator. Here I will be, ever the one beside you in times of need. So forget me not, forget me not, for my name is Andy, and I am always handy.

Be not stressed
Be not stressed, no matter how unsurpassable the task may be, be not stressed. The skies is the limit, and though our roads may be filled with obstacles, we shall conquer them yet. Look behind you, see how far you have come? Oh, this mountain before you may seem tall, but consider the hills and valleys you have traveled thus far, were they not intimidating when you stood at the beginning? Life is a river, it moves on... no matter what happens, it flows like a river - ever downstream. Once in a while, you trip over the smallest pebbles; crash into protruding rocks; you plunge down the steepest falls. Other times, you flow by peaceful valleys and wondrous landscapes. Still we go, according with the flow. The torrent threatens to throw us off course, the current seeks to overturn our vessels, but still you will hang on, for the very hands which caused the waves are the same hands which shall steady your boat. Have faith little ones, in the midst of all the doubt, have faith.

Life is not often about destinations, but rather the journey which gets us to it. There are those who are fortunated to know what to do to get to where they wanted to be, but for many others, life is a continuous process of discernment. Deciding from moment to moment, making choices until we get to where we needed to be. Those choices helps us mature, there are no mistakes, just longer winding paths.

The wind
And here I will be, the lonely wind that blows gently. You shall know that I am here whenever you see the leaves rustle, the water ripple. I will be here, caressing the tips of grass as I pass through, swirling up the dust. Perhaps, then you shall remember me. Don't try to catch hold of me for I appear without a trace and leave without a sign. I am a free spirit, coming and going as I pleased. Like sand, you shall not contain me with your fingers, like water I linger not in one place too long. I am evanescent.

I wish you wouldn't
Je souhaite que vous cessiez de vous imposer dans mes pensees ? Je souhaite que vous ne m'ayez pas vole coeur, particulierement pas la maniere que vous l'avez fait avec juste un regard simple. Ne pouvez-vous pas voir ce que vous avez fait ? Vous avez pris mon ame, et a gauche moi inacheve. Je souhaite que je puisse m'abstenir a vous aimer mais je ne puisse pas arreter cette sottise, je ne puisse pas arreter mon infatuation pour vous parce que c'est vous.

If I have the chance
I often wonder if I had the chance, would I have the courage to ask you for a dance. I often wonder, if I was not who I am, would you have looked upon me with more favor in your eyes. Perhaps it was meant to be that my tongue is tied as I saw you walk by; just passing strangers beneath the same blue sky.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thoughts to live by

- Life is like dancing the Hokie Pokie. You put your foot in, you put your foot out; back and forth between the minute details and the big picture... that's really all its about.

-Warning: objects in review mirror become smaller as you drive further away. In life, things tend to become larger as you approach them, that's just physics and optical illusions. There is no point in making them bigger than what they really are, because in the end, they shrink as you past them by. That being said, good luck to all who have something big coming up.

- we are like pebbles on a beach. We become well rounded through constant bombardment of our trials and tribulations

- Sometimes, I look at life as a ballet instructors who likes to keep us all on our toes.

- Without tears, there won't be rainbows between people

-Without limitations, one may never realized how far one may go, and how far one have already come.

- Each moment lived is a near death experience

- Understand that life can be much worst, and move on. No sense in dawdling to wallow in your sorrows.

- Feeling lost is a blessing as it means you have options. You have the freedom to choose however you damn well please.

- The certainty in life is that nothing is set in stone, i.e. there will always be an element of uncertainty. Therefore, don't become someone who is too rigid or set in their ways. Sooner or later, even the hardest rock contours itself to the shifting tides.

- Learn the grammar if you must, but don't become a grammarian. Be a poet instead. There is no point in knowing the theory if you can't use it to be creative.

- A stickler is nothing more than a person with a stick up their butt. And often times, it is a stick that may be used upon them if they take it out too often to intimidate.

- In seeking for a potential mate, have an idea of what is your type; but don't expect yourself to be the "type" that "your type" is into.

- The only dangerous people I know are the ones who are absolutely certain of something.

- Be mindful of starting sentences with "I feel", it usually leads to a narcissistic monologue void of depth, meaning, and reason.

- While it is respectable and professional to be serious... sometimes to get the point through one must employ outrageous means.

- Profanity should be used sparingly so as to be profound.

- People don't desist because you insist. Don't become a cyst.

- In sex, condom prevents life. In life, no condom prevents sex.

- Popping bubbles should be equally important as making them.

- Go fly a kite. Life's too short not to enjoy simple pleasures such as a good breeze. Go take a hike and enjoy the scenery

- I don' think humans are meant to be efficient. If we were, we would be a robot, and life would be no fun.

- A good indicator of life is pain. A a sign of something worthwhile is struggle.

- Be good at dickering, otherwise you will end up bickering

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's Like This Between You And I

It's like this between you and I, we are rails of a track, always parallel never touching. The sun and moon may eclipse one another, but our shadows will never meet. How cruel a fate that we share, destined to be close but never close enough.

It's like this between you and I. My lips like a canyon yearning for your succulence. See how in your absence, my soul a gorge divide, my being eroded and dried. Lush green valleys that could have been reduced to nothing more but mere wasteland- barren, cold, wild and wide.

It's like this between you and I, vines that never intertwine. We are a kiss from eternal happiness, if only our lips touched. Yet, a moment like that was ephemeral, all else became surreal. Now we stood apart, a rainbow dead in its prime.

It's like this between you and I, companions of the mind, Judas of our hearts. Faithful friends, loyal companions; an epic love story unfulfilled. Is it tragic? Isn't it romantic? This excruciating ecstasy of an affair that can never be.

It's like this between you and I, constellations joint by imagination, unified for inspiration. A product of sleepers, of dreamers and idealists who wants nothing more than to believe there is more than random chance. We are towers of their bridge to hope.

Written February, 9th, 2009. Reposted here.