Saturday, February 28, 2009


I suppose I should preface here why I named this blog "Breakfast at the Midnight Cafe". For those of you who know me, I am somewhat of an insomniac. Actually, I prefer to call it being nocturnal, or to be more precise crepuscular. It's not that I don't sleep, I do, I love to sleep just as much as the next guy. It's just that I have a different circadian rhythm, one that sets me apart from the norm of a diurnal society. I guess I am the evening equivalent of the "morning person". The moon doing for me what the sun does for reptiles and most green leafy plants. 

I can't explain it, I just feel more alive during the night, especially during twilight hours. I may be physically tired from a day's work, but I find that my mental acuity is at its peak when night falls.  I attain a level of focus and awareness at night that is otherwise elusive when the sun is out. The clarity is refreshing, and things that are left on the back burner during the day are smelling pretty good by night. The way I explain it to people, its like the sun floods everything with light, so much so that it is hard to really look at individual items. Everything is bright, and equally catching. Then comes the night, and the moon is like this giant spot light that hones in on whatever you aim it at. It may be a narrower beam with a softer glow, but it does its job of contrasting things for me. 

So there you have it, I love the night, it is welcoming. There is something about it, a quality of intimacy that encourages people to shed their daily masks and reveal their truth selves. At least I have always found the conversations that lasted way into the night more enlightening. I guess it has to do with the fact that there is little distraction. Most diurnal people function on a minute-to-minute-hour-to-hour mentality, where things are planned on the hour, quarter hour and half hour, and intervals (in minutes) expressed in units divisible by 5. Comes the night, and that mentality is reduced, the need to move on abated.  It allows the mind to wander and reflect, as if it's saying "Hey, the night is young and I've got nowhere that I need to be." 

Another thing I like about the night is all-night diners that serves breakfast anytime. The staff and patrons at these diners are people after my own heart. They understand what it is like to be nocturnal, and they buy into the philosophy that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I know the stuff they serve you at these diners may not be healthy per se, but it is often very satisfying. Talk with any great conversationalist, and they will tell you one of the best way to keep a conversation alive is a full stomach. 

So it is with this in mind that  I created this blog. I hope I can combine the effects of a hearty meal and timeless agenda to create a welcoming atmosphere. I hope you can join me from time to time, when your daily work is done, and you want to share thoughts and stories. Grab a mug and come hither. 

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