Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Life Imagined

Have you ever thought about what you life would be like? You know, sort of like how girls dream about their wedding days? I know it sounds like a silly exercise, daydreaming about things before their time, but I have heard also that one way to success is envision success. And so it is that I find myself drifting off to space from time to time, imagining the life that could be mine. 

I guess for me that entails writing imaginary love letters to a girl whom I have yet to meet, fall madly in love with, get married and grow old together. I guess it involves me pretending to be a loving father to rambunctious children who in turn plays noisily in the yard, calls home from college to share their troubles. I suppose I can tell you with remarkable detail the house that I will be living in; the front porch swing, the old fashioned kitchen, and a back patio that opens onto the lake. I can even read to you excerpts from an acceptance speech that I am in the midst of writing, especially listing out the names of people to whom I owe my success. Chances are you will even recognize a lot of them, maybe it's even you. I can show you the stack of unwritten correspondences between me and many inspiring individuals; their letters, most of which I am sure, will someday make their way to museums. 

I know this all sounds amazingly corny, and stupid to do. I got to tell you though, even if it is for the briefest of moments, even if it is all imaginary, and might never have the chance of being actualized, I lived a dream, my dream. I have caught a glimpse of it; tasted and smell what it could be like. If tomorrow never comes for me, don't be too sad on my account. I have dreamed the dream, and lived it the next possible way. I have read my non-existing biography, and I like where it can go. I can't tell you how I will die, but I can regale you how I will live. You should try it sometime, who knows, you may be wondering if you are somebody's dream. I know I do, and that you are. =>_^=

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