Sunday, February 22, 2009


You know how sometimes you drank too much and the room starts to spin, and the next thing you know you are worshipping at the altar of the porcelain god? Well, that's how I think of crying, it's like the throwing up of all the bad things from your soul that would otherwise give you a bad hangover.

Here's how I see it, the stress in our daily lives is very much like alcohol. There are those of us who have higher tolerance for it, whether by constant exposure, or just being genetically predisposed to handle it. Then, there are those of us who aren't. Regardless, in the right amount, stress provides us with the "buzz"; but should we start to take on more and more, bypassing our limits... BOOOORRRRRAUUUUGH!.

This is how it happens, kind of like at a bar, you drink too much either because you don't know your limits or you keep accepting the drink's that other people buys you. You feel like you can take on the stress, or that it would be poor form to refuse burdens of those close to you. Pretty soon, you are wasted. The world begins to spin, and it doesn't matter if you have a friend nearby, the designated driver per se. It's all internal, the sudden onset vertigo, the need to throw up. Some of you will try and hold it back, because you have a strong will power and don't want to be embarrassed before people. Chances are, you may succeed. You say goodbye to your friends, leaves the bar, go to your own place, and sleep it out. Perhaps getting a nasty hang-over the next day. This, by the way, is call depression, that hangover feeling. When you are hungover, you don't feel like doing anything accept mop around, nursing in darkness. The day goes by, and you feel like you have wasted it. When your friends call you to hang out at the bar, you would say to yourself, "forget it, I am not going through that again." I will tell you however, had you thrown up, chances are you will feel much better. Chances are, you would have hop right back in, hang out.

It feels weird, to be talking about crying this way, but that's the thing, crying is good. It relieves us of all the pent up emotions that have us on a loop. It clears the mind, and rids the system of unnecessary junk. I am not saying you should become a life bulimic. I am not also recommending a life at the bar. I am just saying, crying from time to time can be a good thing.

And, now for our next topic: DIARRHEA OF THE SOUL...

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