Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Suicidal Allegory

Last night I came upon my field of broken dreams; a place where hopes were dashed and ambitions forgotten. Where the soils have become pickled by tears of frustration. Here, shattered souls have come to rest, shingles atop shingles.

Here Solitude and Despair abide, taking refuge amongst the shards and shambles. They bid me welcome, the loathsome pair, and offered me wine brewed from grapes came from the sour vines. How bitter the broth that runs from that gauntlet, the bile in my throat can not counter it. Still I drank deeply, the searing sensation an atonement for my failures.

Yet, on the brink of succumbing to the chimera of disillusionment, I saw it -flickering, shimmering, glimmering splendid, It grabbed at me with a vise like grip, pulling me up from the quicksand of permanent slumber. With such force was I expelled towards light from deep darkness; I found myself momentarily naked.

My entire being penetrated by a beacon of something wonderful, I followed the sound of a steady pulse. It kept me companied until my eyelids fluttered and opened to reveal the visage of another sunrise awaiting me upon the window sill.

*note: Don't be alarmed by the seemingly dark motif of this piece. I am not suicidal or anything, it is just an experimentation on what it could be like.

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