Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just me

I have severe myopia, but you have opened my eyes and made me see beyond any horizons I have dreamed possible. This nose, oh it is not as handsome as Bergerac's, but it has the fortune of smelling the best fragrance there is as a wisp of your hair flows by. This ears, they are sort of awkwardly protruding, but who cares, they have heard the sweetest sound that is your laughter ringing like clarion. They were graced with your voice calling my name, oh and only your lips can utter it with such power. My teeth, they are not pearly white, but I can 't seem to hide them when I am around you, that smile just won't go away. My mind, nay you worry, it is not as feeble as it seems. Heck no, it is quite active, more alert than ever before. Ever attentive to even the smallest details, hoping to catch ever word, every moment, every deed; to breathe it all in and forever retain it in something you and I will later call memories, but for now it is just moments, little moments that are like ornaments to our lives' Christmas tree.

My shoulders, well I suppose they are not as wide as most other guys, but if you lay head your head upon it, you will perhaps find it just right. A comfortable pillow, with my collar bone jutted just right to offer sufficient support when your tears began to fall. These hands, you see them? They are not big, but they have held the world's largest treasure when they held your hands in them. My arms, they are not that long, nor are they thick as tree trunks. More like brittle branches really, the ones you stick on a snow man; but they have embraced beauty that is seemingly unattainable when they enclosed you. 

Do you hear it? That thumping noise? That's my heart beating strong and true for you. Abs, well, I haven't got six, but what about settling for just one? I assure you it can be quite adorable, kind of like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. You can punch it if you ever become angry with me, not that I think I will ever give you a reason to do so, and you probably agree to that. My back, it will become crooked some day I am sure, but for now it is sturdy, and it can straighten itself out simply because you gave me dignity. 

I am not tall, no, heck I am pretty darn short, but I am alright with that because I have got you to always look up to. Funny thing is, you never seem to look down at me, how do you do it? How do you keep raising me upon a pedestal higher than Mount Everest? These legs, these thighs, they look like a joke I know. But you will be surprised at how strong they can be. They will overcome any obstacles just to bring me to you. My feet, ah at last we have reached my feet. Well, I am sure you have seen greater sizes, but that is not important is it? Just as long they can create footsteps- footsteps that will never overlap yours, that will not fall before yours, nor will follow behind. No, my footsteps, you see, will always be along side you. And just when you think they can not make any deep imprints, they will, I am certain of it. See, that is when you will be in my arms, and chances are where I tread we shall leave our mark using our combined weight. 

So, this is me, this is who I am, nothing out of ordinary I am afraid. Your average guy, but I am your average guy... and somehow when you are around, I am not so ordinary anymore. Will you look at that? Fancy huh? I guess I love you, but more importantly I love who I am when I am with ya.

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