Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How I miss the Vengeful G-d of Old

Did not my past actions prove my continual sincerity? Have I not proven my honor, and established my will to place the happiness of others before my own? What, therefore, gave you grounds, the audacity to slander me so, and accuse me of treachery that I know not in my heart? Indeed, you have insulted me with your insolence and tarnished my good name with your filth. May you beware the anger of the quiet man. May you know the extent of my patience, and rue the day you have taunt it.

Do not mistake tolerance for weakness. Nay, while I shall not sully my soul and suffer my hand to raise it against you, this I swear- I shall take no small delight when the day of Judgement comes, and the Divine rules in my favor and smote all who has done me and my kind wrong. For I am a patient and faithful man, and I shall wait for justice to visit those with compound interest the evil inflicted upon my person.  So, continue in your path, and accrue wickedness to justify the wrath incurred, and warrant the damnation soon to darken your doorsteps.  

Perhaps it is unholy for me to think is such fashion, and I may be sweet and gentle, but I am not a saint. I shall ask for His forgiveness and experience remorse. I beseech you to do likewise, for surely I will laugh at the end of days if you unrepentant ways lead you astray and into harm's way.    

(Relax people, this is just a fictional piece I thought up after reading selected texts from the Tanakh and Gita)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

random thoughts on sound (unfinished)

We live in an increasingly noisier world, and yet, strangely enough, we don't talk to each other as much. The cacophony of the modern age has replaced simple heart to heart discussions before a blazing hearth. We choose to listen to audiobooks, and less the stories of our elders and peers. We prefer e-mails and text messages over the spoken word; the literal over the spiritual.

If eyes are the windows to our souls, well then I contest that our ears are vestibules to a greater existence. We may see the signs, but listening evokes something deeper, a resonance that extends beyond mere physiclal properties. This is why we are told to listen to our hearts as opposed to seeing with our eyes. This is why music exists. Notes on a piece of music is meaningless without the sound that accompanies it. Prayers are uttered because as words they carry no power until spoken.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Be at peace with yourself

There will be moments in our lives- regardless of where we are, who we are, what we have attained- when we will feel utterly isolated. It is common, that pang of loneliness, that moment of weakness; it happens to the best and worst of us. When it hits, you will question all that you ever were. But I am here to tell you, it's going to be alright, because ultimately, we are connected to someone, somewhere. By mere thought, by weird urges, by virtue of existence. We all circle the periphery from time to time, thinking we are some Dicken protagonist standing in the cold looking at a Christmas party on the way... but that is the thing, someone always open a door... and if that someone isn't to be found, then chances are that someone is you... so be the better person to yourself first, and treat yourself nicely. Don't be harsh in those moments of vulnerability. Realize that we are all have our own internal demons, and be glad that you know it, fear it; because those demons are that which keeps us in line. We can not be great if we can not acknowledge the inherent darkness that lingers within. Be comfortable with yourself, be at peace. In the end, how you choose to react dictates all else.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

久石讓Joe Hisaishi 800人大合唱天空之城.mpg [HD]

Perhaps one of my all time favorite songs, by virtue of it being the theme song to Studio Ghibli's Laputa: Castle in the Sky, one of the first films I have seen as a child. Brings back a lot of memories.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Feeling like crap

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work, even those based on real people, are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

I don't think I know how an excrement feels like, but I supposed if you started off as a wholesome piece of food filled with nutritious goodness which is then masticated and slowly broken down into tiny digestible bolus, tenderized, emulsified, acidified. And you then have all that goodness drained, teared, sucked and singed out of you as you slowy get passed and squeezed along the arduous journey of the alimentary canal, and eventually pushed out like a lump of useless crap, nothing even remotely like your former self, and gets flushed away, forgotten to mankind, unappreciated... then I suppose I do know what crap feels like, and I can commiserate.