Monday, November 26, 2007

Another unsaid goodbye

Another obituary, another farewell to a long lost friend. Succinct yet eloquent, a life's worth of achievements epitomized in black and white, obscured to all save for the precious few who knew to look for it there. How strange it is, a person who was once larger than life itself reduced to a few short paragraphs, relegated to the past. Perhaps more disturbing is the mug shot, cropped from a group photo, a final act of isolation from the living. 

So is this how it will end, an obscured byline on the morning post? How tragic it is that we never get to hear our eulogies;. but then, am I ready to hear mine? Would mine be confined to a few lines? Would my memory fade fast? How long would they be able to recall my essence, and conjure my presence amongst them? Perhaps not long. 

Alas, old friend, I remember. Even if I can not eulogize you with all the glory you deserve, your memory shall remain strong. I shall remember your jokes, your style. I will not let you become ephemeral, even as news of you are old by the time they reached my ears, they rekindle all that is timeless. 

Farewell, for I know you to be in a better place, and that out of selfishness I mourn. I pray I will be remembered as fondly as you are now... I pray others will be just as shocked and saddened over my passing as I am with yours... you have been a good friend, and I hope I may be so fortunate as to share in that same nostalgia when it is my time. 

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