Thursday, November 16, 2006


The Art of Giving is very much like the Ability to Respire. As a common rule, it is necessary that one inhale a certain amount of air before one can exhale anything. This is also true for giving; you must first have something to give. How much can one inhale? Well, this depends on mainly two things: one’s innate lung capacity and one’s training to utilize it to the fullest potential. Everyone, hopefully, is born with a standard lung capacity that allows an optimum amount of oxygen flow to keep him or her functional. Some people are born with a larger-than-average lung capacity; some, like athletes, orators and opera singers trained themselves to develop either a larger lung capacity, and/or the ability to use it to the fullest potentials. Continuing the analogy, if you are alive, than it is most certain that you have a capacity of things that you can readily give. How much you can give, therefore becomes a function of your training on giving. An opera singer may have voice trainings, which includes training to inhale a gradual increase amount of air, and then throwing the air out to project one’s voice and make the tones rounder. This is true for people learning to give, at first one may not have much to give, but as one receives more and more, one will find it easier to give more and more back. However, no matter how much air you inhale, it is known facts that you will never be truly able to exhale all of it back out. There will always be a certain amount remaining inside you. This is important because you can never truly give all that you have, even if it is your best, you should always save something for yourself to build upon for the next time you give.

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