Friday, November 3, 2006

A Budding Romance

Have you ever walked along a beach, and watched the sandpipers dance with the waves?  It is a fascinating ritual of nimble scurrying back and forth the reclining water edges as the waves recede on and off the shores; a mutual tango of relinquishing and reclaiming the sacred grounds between ocean and land. There is something fascinating about this staccato dance between the vast ocean and these petit birds. On one hand, you have the stern sea periodically smoothing the sand; on the other hand, you have the timid sandpipers constantly imprinting their impressions on the sand. It is quite a joy to behold, and in many ways this dance reminds me of human attempts at love and success. Often, we stand before the vastness of our dreams, looking, pondering. Gently it beckons to us alluringly; and timidly do we venture forth, hoping to build up the courage to dive in. We will rush forth, only to beat a hasty retreat when it surges up close. In love and the affairs of the hearts, are we not the same? Do we not look at the greatness of romance and succumb to its call? Do we not skitter towards it, testing the water, waiting for reciprocity? Then, when it builds and rushes towards us, do we not shy away for fear that we may drown in it; flailing our arms wildly about lest we be swept off our feet.

Since the days of our ancestors, humans have developed a lasting affair with the sea. From walking upon the sandy beaches, scaling the heights of the lighthouses, to sailing across it. The sea is an insurmountable entity, with seemingly endless horizon. It poses itself to us as something we should conquer, it taunts us to pursue it to the ends of the earth, and to land where we may and should. Yet, we are like the sandpapers, dancing upon the shores, gazing at it longingly, forlornly. I guess that is why we like to collect seashells and pebbles from the beach, for they are the token of our dreams, a souvenir to bring with us when we turn and walk away from the calling waves. And when we stray far enough, we will take out that seashell and put it in our ears so that we may hear the beating of the waves, and be reminded the deep-seated calling of our dreams.

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