Wednesday, September 13, 2006


There is something comforting about the steady beat of raindrops pattering down from the heavens above - pity pat, pity pat, pity pat. It feels so carefree, as if each drop has not a care in the world of where it falls, as long as it makes a little splash or ripples where it lands.    Although a lot of the people I have come across find the rainy weather gloomy; I somehow really like it. I find that when it rains, the world seems to slow down for me, that I can take a step back and truly admire everything about me. I can be an observer, and watch as the people about me either huddle closely under shelters of sort or hurdle across pavements to dodge the tiny little drops- I enjoy watching their different reactions. 

I love how little children seem to enjoy it the most, dressed in their brightly coloured rain gear, they would go about splashing in puddles, often finding the biggest one to stomp their boots in; the glee on their faces each a Kodak moment. Contrasting strongly are the adults, especially those in business suits... there is usually a frown upon their faces, their eyes gazing towards the heavens as if in silent lamentation. Adults tend to have this frantic look about them in the rain as if each drop of rain threatens to discolour the world they live in. How did it happen? At what point in life did we decide to avoid puddles? Was it when we caught a cold and our mothers scolded us for playing outside in the rain? Was it when we fell in a puddle once and heard mocking laughter from others who have "rise above" the simple pleasures of playing in the rain? Why did we become so self-conscious?   

I remember back in my college days, it rained so on certain days, and a bunch of us would get into the worst clothes we can find and just stomp around in the rain. It was chilly, but it was oh so freeing. Afterwards, we would have some hot beverages and huddle about laughing at what we did. What memories they were, we were without care, miles away from our scolding parents, frowning adults; and we did what we felt natural... ok, so singing and dancing in the rain may seem a little crazy, but it was fun. Why did we stop? Why do I feel the need to suppress this urge of mine to stand in the midst of the rain, even with an umbrella? Is this fear of getting wet and "dirty" really rational? I say loosen up, and go out to play in the rain. Enjoy it, and if you listen closely, you may perhaps hear the symphony of heaven's orchestra luring you to dance.    

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