Sunday, September 10, 2006


I can't believe it is September already, summer is slowly waning and the welcoming breeze of autumn is beckoning to those who choose to venture out in the evenings. September has always been an interesting month for me, it is a month of beginnings where schools start and students return to gain more knowledge. It is when trees began their cycle of renewal by gradually purging their branches of leaves in preparation for winter cleansing, but not before putting up a spectacular display of colors. For me, life begans with September...  at least at the very end of it when nature changes it colors overnight, a final burst of glory before the phoenix becomes ashes awaiting re-birth. September is the month that I step back to evaluate events of the past year as I prepare myself to bid welcome to another one in my advancing years. 

So here I am, with a bottle of cool wine, awaiting for September's gentle entrance once more. Let me toast to the memories and lessons experienced this past year, and let me drink to the begnning of many more wonderful things during my twenty-fourth year of my tenure on this transitory earth. 

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