Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Rain reflections

 As I sit here listening to the steady pattering of rain, I find my thoughts drifting back to memories of growing up in the Pacific Northwest.  Rain was a common occurrence, and I suspect that was what made coffee houses so common in Seattle and Vancouver.  When the outside world threatens Seasonal Affective Disorder, we adapt by building warm, cozily lit cafes filled with the aroma of caffeine and resounding with the sounds of lively conversations to combat that.  I know that is partially where my affinity for rain began.  Nothing like rain to provide my not-so-athletic-and-mostly-introverted-self with the excuse to stay indoors and read to my heart's content.  It was glorious.  

Rain can be soothing, and it can also be freeing.  The monsoons in Hong Kong and the riotous rainstorms in Williamsburg VA were all liberating to me.  People like being in the sun, me?  I like being out in the rain.  To feel the coolness as water trickle down the roads and was as the wispy mist floats from the asphalt.  It is an orchestra of sights and sounds that is often overlooked.  

Oh, and then there are the puddles.  Ah, yes, to cars they can mean potential jolting potholes, and for pedestrians soaked feet.  But to the photographer, they are medium to see the world differently - a mirage, so beautiful, and yet so fleeting, easily disrupted by ripples.  To capture a reflection in the puddle is to savour a truly ephemeral and ethereal moment.  So there it is, will I ever stop loving the rain, I certainly hope not. 

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