Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What is poetry

 Let me tell you about poetry. Poetry is about taking the mundane, placing it in a different light, spewing some froth and mist upon it, and making it look all special when in reality nothing has changed but your view of it. It is like instead of saying "here is a rock", you say, "here in stony silence it bore witness to millennia of transition. The world around it has changed countlessly; wars and struggles, tears and laughter, sun and rain, glacier to dry desert, still it remains grossly unchanged save perhaps a bit smoother from the constant billowing of the wind and the occasional buffering of rushing water. It is polished from the passage of sand and particles in the air. In its crevices, microscopic perhaps, unseen by the naked eye, lies the secrets and whispers of generations past and pockets the echoes of generations to come. So it sits, at once a granite and a bedrock of our conscience."

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