Monday, June 29, 2020

The unsecured demanding security

 Today we witness the premature death of the "one country two systems" in Hong Kong. In the guise of National Security, so many basic rights and civil liberties can and will be eschewed. Judge, jury, executioner all in one; from the top, no transparency required, the ends justifying any means.

In fact, no longer will there be any need for justification. Dissidents will simply be crushed in the name of security. After all, what poses more threat to a regime than the freedom of thought and expression? To oppose in any manner, to dissent is to be against party and country. If you don't stand with the party, then you are against the nation, and you are a threat to security. It is that simple.
The Hong Konger identity will be no more in perhaps a generation or so because what comes next will be the brainwashing of the young. Ah, Hong Konger, that unique moniker of a people blessed with the best of both worlds - the perfect melting pot of East and West. Alas, no longer. Traditional Chinese and Cantonese will be phased out. A vibrant voice rich in culture silenced.
The west may watch from a distance and deem what happens to HK an internal affair. But my mark my words, China will come for others next, because the truth is what is happening in Hong Kong is a litmus test and one that Western democracies have failed miserably. The silence of the west, especially when affronted with the blatant oathbreaking of The Sino British Joint Declaration has signalled to the CCP that they will not be held accountable. For indeed, who will go after the de facto loan shark of the world?
So, just a couple days shy of 23 years since the handover, and less than half the promised 50 years, Hong Kong has sunk. Oh, will it remain a fascinating city? Possibly, but it will be tainted, its spirit subdued, and all aspects henceforth contrived. #RIPHKSAR

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