Thursday, January 25, 2018

You too can YouTube

What I have learned from spending an unhealthy amount of time on YouTube is you can choose to be amazed by all the creativity and feats that are being posted, or you can be some wanker who never ceases to find something awful to say, whose negativity belittles and sullies the experience for others.

We have decisions to be made in this life. We can offer ourselves, our talents to the world; starting from scratch, with humble beginnings. We can nurture it, and cheer on others as they grow theirs. We can bear witness to the fruit of courage, persistence, perseverance, and talent. We can spread goodness, share ideas, sow positivity and hope. We can exemplify the beauty that life has to offer, and accentuate the positives of humanity in dark times. We can offer camaderie, bask in the glow of human triumph.

Or we can sit back, criticize, and become the under belly of society; condescending, never pleased, looking to score cheap laughs, and  exhibiting scorn and disdain.

So choose. Who would you want to be? Think about it while I go look for some more videos of kittens pawing at piano.

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