Sunday, January 11, 2015

Let the singular acts of a fanatic be what it is - an act of a singular fanatic

I think it is important to remember amidst all of these terrorist attacks that it is the religious fanatics of a religion that committed them and not the religion itself nor the majority of followers who practice it peacefully, lovingly, and dare I say righteously. Just because the extremists, the fundamentalists and the terrorists act indiscriminately does not mean we can do likewise and sink to their level by labeling everyone as bad. We must hold ourselves to a higher standard, we must take responsibility and use our full faculties for reasoning in deliberating between what is right and what is fundamentally wrong otherwise we are no better.

The truth is there is no one race, gender, religion, or creed that is pure evil; there are, however, just plain ordinary people who little by little, through negligence of their reasoning, relinquish their locus of control to the point that they are basically beings of primal instincts - insecure and constantly giving in to their reptilian brains. Do not become them. Let the singular acts of a fanatic be what it is - an act by a singular fanatic.
Humanity is good, and at it's core perpetuated by hope. Hope that pushes a boy to ask a girl out or vice versa, hope that a child is worth bringing forth to this world, hope that they will be able to grow in an environment that loves them and nurture them, hope that motivates a parent or those involved in childcare to continue living their lives in ennobling endeavors such that their offspring maybe better off, and hope that pays itself forward and to the generations to come.

Hope for the better, faith in the outcome, and love that motivates - these are the very things that make humanity endearing. They are also the very things that threatens the identity of those who are lost and lives in perpetual insecurity. Therefore we must continue to hope, to have faith, and to love incessantly if we truly want to eradicate this world of the hopeless, and the faithless - the very ingredients that constitute fear.

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