Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I had this moment pictured differently in my mind.  I had expected it to be a bit more glamorous, a bit more rowdy.  Or perhaps like opening a chest where my face is lit up by the glow from the treasure within. Definitely not like this, where only hours ago I had to frantically call FedEx to figure out (a)why hadn't they swing by again like they were supposed to, (b) who the heck signed for it when FedEx did swing by later on when I was away, and (c) who had it for the time in between now and when it was dropped off.  I must have sounded like a luny recording from Rescue 911.  

Still, it is a neat feeling to finally touch this piece of parchment for which I had worked hard and endured much.  Few truly appreciate the hardships and the sacrifices made to attain this.  Many of those have been my friends and family who either had to suffer my absence from their lives for extensive amount of time, or stood by me when I seem to have gone off the deep end in my singleminded pursuit. Trust me, I don't think I was very sane during this whole process (in fact, I am still a tad off balance, luckily now I have a proof that I know a thing or two about the inner ear; that should help). 

It is fitting that the thing came looking like a menu with a red cover.  What a feast it has been.  A red passion, it symbolizes the blood, sweat and tears that went into getting to this point.  It also represents the fire that carried me through, and continues to blaze as I move forward.  It is not my personal flame that I speak of, but rather the bonfire of my friends and family that warms my heart and guides me back whenever I seemed to have lost my way.  

It is a precious parchment, occupying about a square foot.  Tangible in that is can be calculated as the sum of years and tuition.  Priceless in that it is the culmination of the efforts of not just me, but those who inspired me; be they friends, family, teachers, and peers.  So, while I am standing here, at once utterly alone in a moment that I had hope would be shared with you, I am bowed low by the overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude towards all of you. How surreal, how sublime.  We did it.  I present to you, my dear dear friends and family, Doctor Hui Shing Andy Lau. 

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