Sunday, March 17, 2013

Falling in love

Do you know why they all it falling in love?  Because falling is a scary thing.  Think about that critical moment when you are leaning just a tad too far in your chair and on the brink of falling, wasn't it frightful?  Or better yet, when you are dreaming and you are falling, wasn't it always advised that you should wake up just before you actually fell?  So there it is, falling is a scary thing.  It is like standing on the cusp of a cliff, looking down, do you jump or do you hold back? Yet, the more amazing components of falling in love are the leap of faith, and gravity.  

See, the act of falling in love has three parts to it.  The scary part where you fall, and the first part where you have hope and take that leap of faith.  That first part is crucial in that you have to be motivated to take the plunge.  That is the beauty of love, it starts off with a leap of faith.  Have you ever played that game at camp where you stand elevated with your back turned towards a group of people, and the whole objective was to fall into their arms.  Wasn't that something?  Just be ready to fall and see who catches you.  You have got to believe that someone will catch you.  That kind of hope is amazing, that trust in humanity is precious.   

The third part is that love gravitates us.  The reason we can even fall is because there is gravity, and love is at the center of it.  It attracts us, we are drawn to it, like moths to a flame (although that properly opens a whole new slew of analogies, and I digress).  

Back to falling, as scary as it gets, it is also very elating isn't it?  Bungee jumping, skydiving, roller coaster these all have a certain appeal because in the act of falling we become alive, adrenaline pumping. If you fall from high enough, you may even hit terminal velocity and free fall for a bit. That moment of clarity, I have been told, is divine in of itself.

And, if you are safety conscious, what is great about bungee jumping, skydiving, and riding roller coaster is that they are actually quite safe.  There is either a safety harness or parachute involved.  If faith alone does not work, then, at least trust in the safety that is your family and loved ones to have your back when you do decided to take a leap and fall.

One more thing, it is falling in love.  Don't change the tense, make it perpetual.  The problem when we refer the action to a different tense other than the present participle is we relegate it to something less significant.  Falling, it represents constant motion, it denotes a continuous pull by the never ending gravitational force of love.  Love never cease, and the act of moving towards it should be perpetual.    

 So I say let's fall in love.

(I know there are some of you out there, and part of me too, who remains cynical. Kind of like that joke:  if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.  I still choose to believe falling in love is a good thing, and an essential experience).  

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