Saturday, March 30, 2013

Christ coming to a Church near you

The following preview has been approved for ALL AUDIENCES.

A Trinity Production

(scene opens with a zoom in to a pair of feet in sandals walking down a dusty street, mystic chanting is heard in the background).

Voice-over: You have heard how he faced the accused in silence. (flashes to scenes of a bearded man standing in a courtyard amidst a crowd of jeering Roman centurions and other robed men)

You have heard him suffer (flashes to close-up of same bearded man, blood trickling down from his forehead where a crown of thorns have bitten and broken the skin; him grunting in effort to drag a cross down a road while being watched by a throng of people. Zoom into a woman holding a baby just as the baby looks away).

You thought him dead! (A peal is heard with finality, thunder and lightening across a blackening sky, zoom into a woman as she wails, and then a deafening crack as an altar in a dimly lighted room cleft in twain, then total DARKNESS)

... silence...

(scene changes to a sunny sky, several seconds later a flock of doves bursting from bottom of the screen, brilliant music playing)

But now he is BACK (sporadic collages of a pierced right hand, pierced left hand, and pierced feet with just the bottom edge of robe showing).

(more scenes of people suddenly stopping what they are doing, surprise on their faces)

JESUS! The comeback tour! (Beethoven's 9th blasting in the background as a figure is shown silhouetted in a blaze of light while more doves burst forth from behind him flying in all directions)

Come celebrate him LIVE at a church near you.


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