Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happiness is blip

People often talk about happiness, the need to be happy at all times... I am not so sure about that.  I think it is alright to be sad, to feel down.  You know as they say, "too much of a good thing can be bad".  I think it is natural to face the "darker" aspects of our emotions.  That is what it means to be human, to experience the full spectrum of who we are- the good and the bad. I think we need to acknowledge what we are capable of feeling.

Asking to be happy all the time is like trying to find a viagra for life, and you know what they say at the end of every commercial, you will need to see a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.  I think in part what makes the good "good" is its ephemeral nature.  It is like catching a glimpse of something beautiful, perhaps a pretty girl as you walk down the street. Your heart skips, you do a double take, and she is already pass you by.  Oh it doesn't have to be a lasting impression, but what lingers afterwards for a few seconds, that increase in pulse, that sudden interest - that's is what makes life worth while in of itself. Often times, all we need is a sudden burst of happiness to fuel us as we face being alone, depressed, and what have you because at least we know we are alive for a moment, happy for a moment, and we can hope we will experience it again.  

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