Sunday, November 4, 2012

Excerpt from my potential novel

I have been slowly gathering random scenarios I thought up that I hope someday I can sew together to make a coherent novel.  Here is today's snipbit 

"They gave me this stone at anger management class.  It was a nice, smooth, round stone with the words"Peace" engraved on it.  The counsellor said every time that I feel my rage is building up to grasp the stone in my hand and let the feel of it, it's coolness and the word upon it cool me down.  I did that, and what a valuable lesson it was.  I also remembered that peace needs to be shared, and so I passed that stone along to the person who angered me.  It is sitting in her living room now.  I hope she too will learn as I have, as she stands there with that stone in her hand, feeling the breeze coming through where her living window used to be. "

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