Friday, January 27, 2012

Become a tutor

Years from now, looking back, I think I would list being a tutor as one of the most fulfilling things that I have ever done.  There is a joy and a sense of accomplishment in being able to share knowledge with someone.  It stirs something deep within you, a heighten sense of awareness and creativity, when you  are called to explain a concept, to teach, to profess.  It is a splendid challenge to navigate how someone approach learning, and to subsequently tailor one's way of professing accordingly so as to help them grasp what was once an elusive notion. It is a great adventure of exploration together- both liberating and rewarding.

I hope that each of you will consider experiencing that which I have experienced and become a tutor yourself.   I fell in love with audiology for the very reason that it is a profession of nurturers and educators.  It is within our nature to listen to our patients, and help them understand more about hearing, listening, effective communicating.  What better way, therefore, to fine hone our skills than by helping our "young".  Sign up to be a tutor today!

Thank you.

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