Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Heart and I

I conversed at length with my heart this night, it reminded me of things I have forgotten, and revealed to me things I have neglected. It tells me of its yearning for home, a sense of belonging. It showed me images of my past, of familiar faces that I sorely missed seeing from day to day. It recalled the many fond memories that I have, experiences that it had stored to keep me warm time and time again. It spoke of the sorrows that it had felt, and of the fear that constantly hounds it. Yet, it regale the many moments of elation, when I with it soared to new heights and conquered new horizons through sheer hope alone. My heart begs me to remember that it does not beat for beating sake, but that it pumps because it is the well of my being brimming with passion. It is not just a lump, but very much alive, and perhaps more alive than I gave it credit at times. My mind, it may know of things, but in the end it is my heart, and my heart alone that sensed the way intuitively and truly. My heart asks me to trust it, to get to know it, only then will I learn it will not betray me. It is fickle at times, but only because it knows not what I desire of it. My heart and I, we need to get better acquainted, for while it is part of me and I it, we are still separate entities at times, and perhaps that is not wise.

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