Monday, April 16, 2007

A response to "If" by H. Hoffman

And as he spoke these words of wisdom, she thought to herself:

"Yes, He remembers my birthday, but more importantly He remembers to treat me as if every day is my birthday. Yes, he always walks on the side of street that offers me the most protection, but more importantly He walks with me. Yes, He opens doors naturally for me, doors to world about which I have only dreamed. Yes, He anticipates my needs and fulfills them like no one else. Yes, He compliments me sincerely every day simply by choosing to spend every precious moment with me and no one else. Yes, He knows all my little peccadilloes, and He still holds me in the highest regards. Yes, He holds my hands, but more importantly he holds my heart. Yes, He makes me laugh to no end, lifting my spirits to unfathomable limits. Yes, He invokes a feeling of perfection, for He has chosen me above all others. Yes, He pretends I am right even when I am wrong, placing me on a pedestal upon which He should truly stand. Yes, yes, yes, He understands the value of waiting for me, but He should not have to wait forever. Yes, He acknowledges my achievements and encourages me to pursue my dreams, even if those dreams lead me down roads less traveled. And yes, with a simple glance, a modest whisper, the slightest touch, He causes my heart to swell with a form of affection that words cannot describe... well, at least words befitting this declaration filled with sincere thoughts exuding purity.”

And as she turned away from him to face her betrothed, lingering stoically near the altar, she confessed, “But He is not the one standing in front of me at the end of that aisle. He is the one standing behind me; the One who should be standing beside me until the end of time.”

By H. Hoffman

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