Monday, April 16, 2007


She went up to him on her wedding day, the prettiest bride there is, and asked, "So, what do you think of him? Have I chosen right?" 

And he looked at her, standing there in her wedding gown, a beautiful woman and at once a timid girl seeking for one final approval. What would be the right answer, no, better yet, what would be the prudent one? He had known this day would find him, and he had envisioned every possible angle that he could handle it. In some recess of his mind, he had silently wished that it would not be so, that he would not be subjected to this scenario despite all caution and preparations. Yet, here he is now, standing there, the fool who is given an innocent enough question that proves the hardest one to answer. There is no time to think it through, not that he needed it anyway as he knew long ago to show any hesitation when this moment arrive would cause distress on her part. But it would have been nice to have a moment to regroup before those well rehearsed lines evaporate as he gazed into those quizzical eyes. 

"If he can remember your birthday, and the birthdays of everyone who matters to you, and act upon it. If he will always walk on the side of the street that will offer you the most protection. If he can open doors, and pull up a chair for you naturally. If he can anticipate your needs before they can manifest themselves. If he can compliment you sincerely every day. If he can tell all your little peccadillos, and notice all your nanosecond expressions, from that slight twitch of your mouth when you want to bite back a comment, to that minute wrinkle of your nose when you find something amusing. If he understand that it doesn't matter that it is 70 degrees outside, you would still need him to hold your hands to keep them warm. If he knows how to make you laugh, and does so. If he knows what makes you cry and prevents it. If he can make you feel comfortable about the fact that you are not perfect at times, but that you are perfect for him regardless. If he can forget the many times that he was right and you were not, and remember all the times that you were right. If he can keep up, and you are willing to slow down a bit, so that you both are always side by side. If he understand the value of waiting for you, no matter how late you are, and smiles like it is the first time he has seen you in years each time you two meet again. If he knows which are the battles worth fighting, and which wars are you to conquer on your own. If he can be proud of your achievements, and push you to go on further, and if you can do likewise. If your pupils dilate, your heart swells with overwhelming tenderness towards him each time you see, hear, or feel something that reminds you of him. If the answer to all of these questions, and perhaps many more is 'Yes', then yes, you have chosen wise, and therefore go in peace and love him with all your heart as he loved you"

"and most of all," this he said silently to himself as she turns away with such contentment and joy radiating from her being, "if  he loves you as I loved you, to an extent that you will never know, then yes, by all means, you have done right by marrying him."

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