Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday blues

The lull following good times can be exceptionally sobering. I used to dread them, I still do, but I have come to appreciate the contrast and its implication on just how fortunate I have been and how good of a time I have had. And then I give thanks as opposed to succumbing to the feeling of melancholy as reality crashes back.

It's hard, I am not going to lie, the realist in me is ever aware of just how fleeting good meaningful interactions can be. I try to stockpile as many of them as I can, but the sobering moments in between, they suck. They really do by contrast.  Kind of like sitting in the bleachers in the dark just moments after the lights go out following an exhilarating game. The abrupt silence, the absence of cacophony of sounds can be deafening. Yet, it is all worth it. Remember that.

So it is I hope that each of you who are feeling the Sunday blues, hang on. I hope it meant you have had a great time. Cherish the memories, the laughter, the camaraderie, and bear with the lull. We need the good, the bad, and the dull to grow.

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