Friday, June 8, 2018


Here is the dirty secret about depression and suicides, it is not that the person don’t reach out, it is they can’t. One of the cruelest thing about depression is for one reason or the other, the ability to reach out is ruled out as a viable option to the person going through it. These reasons can range from “I am not worthy to bother another”, “I don’t want others to see me like this”, “no one really cares”, “ I just don’t feel like being around people.” So to those who said, “if only he/she reached out”, “if only they know we are there”, unfortunately, that is not how it works. 
It sucks, it is a cruel joke, and few are immune to it. So, be kind to one another. Perform small acts of kindness whenever you can; leave a note/text, show a smile, compliment. Be goofy, be genuine, don’t judge, and most importantly, don’t be afraid. 
There are dark corners in the labyrinth of our minds, and we may not be ready to dive in. But that is not our duty, ours is to raise a light as high we can so that some flickering light can penetrate into those shadows. Ours is to bellow our kindest regards so that a whisper of hope may reach the ears of the wayfarer in the deeps.

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