Tuesday, June 12, 2018

E Pluribus Unum

I have pondered long and hard on whether to write this. There are a lot of compelling reasons to stay silent, but to do so would come at a cost. You see, I believe we have come to a crossroad in America. We have reached the point where the soul of this nation is at stake. It isn't about Trump anymore, it is beyond that. It is about lines that have been crossed, it is about things that should not have been normalized but are, and norms that should not have been breached completely cast asunder. We have lost what is ennobling, and have fallen prey to the enablers. 
Daily we have faced the deluge of one man's psychosis, that we have forgotten to hold accountable those whose sole duty is to keep such an abuse and aberration to the constitution in check. We have become distracted while the nation's narrative is repeatedly hijacked by a few, and not even the selected or elected few, but simply a few. We have surrendered our liberties and sacrificed our morals and principles to appease a fraction of the peoples who have little regards for anyone else but themselves and holds the constitution in contempt. 
We have become numbed to hypocrisy, we condone ad hominem driven attacks. Things that should have sounded the warning bells no longer do so, events that ought to be front page news now gets buried beneath the barrage of absurdity. 
We are being held captive, too shocked to react, and too naive to truly comprehend the damage that is being wrought without our consent. America, search your souls, I beg of you. Do you truly buy into the victimhood narrative? That the great nation that you are is being ripped off? 
Perhaps it is powerful to know you that can with-hold love, perhaps it is self-serving that you can dispense charity as you see fit. Yet, if you close your doors to those who are in dire need, separate the children from their parents, appoint those who do not believe in science or facts, or possess common sense or decency to positions of power; then what you have truly done is to become the very monster you sought in others. 
Even as I write this, there are policies that have set into motion consequences that will harm generations to come, and bring the downfall, perhaps not to your person, but to your children, and your children's children. The many deregulations, the appointment of sycophants, it all leads to one thing - entropy. When the rule of the day serves only one purpose - each person for themselves, then you cannot stand united, it is just impossible. 
Here is the thing, when you no longer can empathize, when you lose civility in your discourse when you don't trust your neighbour, and no longer offer a helping hand when possible, then you a miser and a bully. And that quite frankly is not the America I have come to cherish. That is not the America of immigrants, of individuals yearning to breath free, and would swear to protect the rights of others to do likewise. 
We may disagree, but we must not forget we work towards a common goal, to keep these states United - e pluribus unum. Be mindful of those who seek to divide and conquer, who targets and label and blame. Be mindful that we do not buy into that narrative. 
We must call out whenever decorum is breached. When those whom we entrust the sacred duty of checks and balances failed to do so, we must call them out and hold them accountable. It is not about Trump and his cabinet anymore. It is not about Republican or Democrat. It is about what is American. Turn back while you still can.

Friday, June 8, 2018


Here is the dirty secret about depression and suicides, it is not that the person don’t reach out, it is they can’t. One of the cruelest thing about depression is for one reason or the other, the ability to reach out is ruled out as a viable option to the person going through it. These reasons can range from “I am not worthy to bother another”, “I don’t want others to see me like this”, “no one really cares”, “ I just don’t feel like being around people.” So to those who said, “if only he/she reached out”, “if only they know we are there”, unfortunately, that is not how it works. 
It sucks, it is a cruel joke, and few are immune to it. So, be kind to one another. Perform small acts of kindness whenever you can; leave a note/text, show a smile, compliment. Be goofy, be genuine, don’t judge, and most importantly, don’t be afraid. 
There are dark corners in the labyrinth of our minds, and we may not be ready to dive in. But that is not our duty, ours is to raise a light as high we can so that some flickering light can penetrate into those shadows. Ours is to bellow our kindest regards so that a whisper of hope may reach the ears of the wayfarer in the deeps.