Sunday, February 4, 2018

Get over the wall

What is the point of evolution if we don't use our faculties to overcome the primal instincts of fright, fight, or flight? We have been given these great gifts as humans for intelligence, compassion, and empathy. We ought to use them more often, to communicate to one another , to share.  Look, there will always be those in power who seek to strike fears in our hearts, to divide and conquer. They will talk of building walls, they will have us thing we are different. And in a way, it is easy for misunderstanding to occur only because there is so much to be understood to began with. So I say reach out, talk, build bridges.

You know why in a game of rocks, paper, and scissors the paper beat the rock? It is because an open palm embraces a closed fist, it teach us to be open and embrace hostility. Yes, it leaves us open to those who wishes to cut us down, to divide us. Yet, if we do what is right, then maybe, just maybe the might of those who can and are just will strike those who wishes to cut us down.

Incidentally, the act of enclosing a closed fist with a palm forms the character "illumination" in Chinese. Think about that. (Yes, I know the Chinese character is actually a combination of the sun and moon, but act to form it with ones hands is symbolic too)

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