Sunday, December 24, 2017

On Borrowed Time

We live on borrowed time. Each and every one of us. We borrowed constantly from a perceived future of health and wealth. We take risks, we choose to eat a bit unhealthy, play a bit harder, work a little harder, skip a meal here and there, sleep a little less, skip exercise, dove into our own world and forgetting others all the meantime thinking to ourselves, "oh well, there will be time later to catch up, rest up, heal up." 
The problem is that we never quite know how much of the future we can borrow against. It is a dangerous game then, taking out a huge loan, especially if along the way we don't develop the habit to save up. Save up on energy, save up on health, save up on wealth, save up on memories with people closest to you. 
It becomes a gamble, and trust me, there are some IOUs that you don't want to regret having, especially if it is a bit of quality time with loved ones. There are debts we simply can't afford. 
So it is that I ask of you in this Christmas season, when the urge to borrow and spend is great, be mindful of what you spend on and invest. Spend a bit more time with people you care about, and who cares for you deeply. Don't expect that they will always be there. Invest on cultivating love, don't assume it will remain patient and present. Say the words that people need to hear, do the things that will make a difference however small. Invest a bit more in taking care of yourself that you don't take too much of your future from yourself or deprive others of you by wasting it all today some way or the other. Do it right so you don't need to take a new lease on life, for the loan office of life is fickle.

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