Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Maundy Thursday

What if Christianity got it wrong. Jesus was just a guy who got into a thorny situation, got hammered, and finally woke up from a three day hangover? I mean that would explain the high alcohol content in his blood.

But in all seriousness, as we enter these solemn times, from Maundy Thursday onwards, may we be reminded that Christ dealt with the same doubts that we do. That he knew he would be betrayed and denied. That he did pray and asked once for this cup to be taken him. That his disciples were equally lost.

Yet, through it all it gave us one of the most profound line to our prayer life - not of my will, but yours. The essence of all that we pray for, our life's purpose can be distilled to this one profound notion. That Christ in human form suffer as we do, yet by yielding to a higher will, we too can become free. Free of our own desires, our ego. Free from the fetters of this transitory plane, so that we can transcend all humanity. So that we can let go of the hurt immediate to our own person and be at peace with the way of things that ultimately will be better for all.

We can ask all we want, but until we are willing to surrender for a greater will, a will that is all knowing, all loving, our own will means little. We must will ourselves to abide to G-d's will...  And truly, how many of us can say we can?

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