Friday, February 3, 2017

Emperor's New Cloths

"I think it is safe to say at this point numerous individuals have stood up and said the obvious, that the king is indeed naked.  Yet, either because of the need for tolerance or the fear of retribution, the silent majority remains muted and nakedness is now the new normal.

We are confusing legality with morality, opinions with facts, privileges with rights, and power with justice.  Hypocrisy becomes mainstream, while certainty and fundamentalism set in. The lines are drawn, to separate people, to keep a selected few out, and a whole lot of them in with a label.

We seem to have forgotten that this was an experiment; one that relies on a certain amount of curiosity, and flexibility.  One that trusts in the best of us, while setting forth guidelines to keep in check for when the worst of us surfaces.  When we, as a society, failed to implement those checks and balances.  When we allow either side to run rampant, then this experiment has failed, because there is now only one reality where there was once a promise of many."

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