Thursday, August 14, 2014

Conversation between the heart and mind

Have you ever listen to the conversations between the heart and mind? I find they bear striking resemblance to those shared between a concerned parent and his/her teenage child. 
One day, the heart would sidle up shyly to the mind and say, "I think I might have met someone."
The mind, alarmed, would reply, "What do you mean you may have met someone? Who is it? How did you two meet? How do you know if this is the right person?"
The heart shrugs and mumbles, "Well, you know, you just do, gut feeling sort of thing. I can't give you the details, not just yet. I just want your support in this. "
"I don't know dear, I think you are still too young, and I worried that you might get hurt."
"You worry too much, it's not like we are going to get married or anything. We are barely seeing each other as it is, it's nothing serious yet."
An impasse would then be reached, with the "why not"s and "so what"s being thrown back and forth. The mind worrying that the heart would get hurt; the heart upset that the mind could be right. It's an age-old tale, the protective parent versus the free-willed teenager. One day though, these two will come to an understanding of sorts.

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